
Competitive Thresholds

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Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



AL ST § 41-16-20

Citation Language:

(a) With the exception of contracts for public works whose competitive bidding requirements are governed exclusively by Title 39, all contracts of whatever nature for labor, services, work, or for the purchase or lease of materials, equipment, supplies, other personal property or other nonprofessional services, involving fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or more, made by or on behalf of any state department, board, bureau, commission, committee, institution, corporation, authority, or office shall, except as otherwise provided in this article, be let by free and open competitive bidding, on sealed bids, to the lowest responsible bidder.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$5,000; $25,000

Citation 2:

AAC 355-4-3-.05

Citation Language 2:

(1) Application. In accordance with Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-134 (Small Purchases), this Rule establishes $25,000 as the amount for supplies or services below which small purchase procedures may be used for procurements, except as otherwise provided in this Rule. (2) Authority to Make Small Purchases. (a) Amount. The Office of the Chief Procurement Officer or a Purchasing Agency may use this Rule if the procurement is to be less than $25,000 for supplies or services. If these methods are not used, the other methods of source selection provided in Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-131 (Methods of Source Selection) shall apply except as otherwise provided in this Rule. (b) Existing State Contract for Item. Supplies or services which may be obtained under current State contracts shall be procured under such agreements in accordance with the terms of such contracts. Further, supplies or services available from State stocks shall not be procured under this Rule. Operational procedures and contract terms may provide for waivers or exceptions to this Subsection. (c) Available from One Business Only. If the supply or service is available from only one business, the sole source procurement method set forth in Rule 355-4-3-.06 (Sole Source Procurement) of these Rules shall be used even if the procurement is a small purchase as specified in Subsection (2)(a) of this Rule. (3) Competition for Small Purchases of Supplies or Services Between $5,000 and $25,000. (a) Procedure. For small purchases of supplies or services between $5,000 and $25,000, no less than three businesses shall be solicited to submit written quotations that are recorded, including the date and amount of each quotation, and placed in the procurement file. Award shall be made to the business offering the lowest acceptable quotation. (4) [Reserved.] (5) Small Purchases of $5,000 or Less. The Chief Procurement Officer or the head of a Purchasing Agency shall adopt operational procedures for making small purchases of less than $5,000. Such operational procedures shall provide for obtaining adequate and reasonable competition such as obtaining quotations and for making records to properly account for funds and to facilitate auditing of the Purchasing Agency. (6) Procurement of Experts and Non-biddable Items. Procurement of the following supplies or services shall be considered Small Purchases under the dollar amount set forth below, shall not be aggregated for purposes of this Rule, and shall not be subject to the competition requirements in this Rule: (a) Experts retained for the purposes of litigation, or avoidance of litigation, below $200,000 per expert. (b) Physicians retained to provide medical services, below $100,000 per physician. Such physicians shall be selected by the Purchasing Agency from a list of qualified physicians maintained by the Alabama Medical Licensure Commission. All physicians interested in providing medical services to the State of Alabama may apply and shall be included on the listing. (c) Physicians, pharmacists, dentists, optometrists, opticians, nurses, and other health professionals retained by the Alabama Medicaid Agency which involve only service on agency task forces, boards, or committees, below $25,000 per professional. (d) Supplies or services which by their very nature are impossible of award by competitive procurements, as determined in writing by the Chief Procurement Officer or head of a Purchasing Agency. This subsection shall only apply to supplies or services at or below $50,000 per supply or service, unless determined otherwise in writing by the Chief Procurement Officer or head of a Purchasing Agency. (e) Veterinary services below $150,000 per provider. (7) Amendments to Small Purchases. For reasons not forseeable at the time of the original procurement, contracts entered into under these Small Purchase procedures may be amended during the period of performance provided that the amendment is within the scope of the original contract and the overall cost of the original procurement plus the amendment does not exceed the original procurement's small purchase threshold by more than 20 percent. Any amendments resulting in a cost exceeding 120 percent of the original small purchase threshold must be approved in writing by the Chief Procurement Officer.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



AK ST § 36.30.100 ; AK ST § 36.30.320

Citation Language:

36.30.100 (a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, or unless specifically exempted by law, an agency contract shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding. ; 36.30.320 (a) A procurement for supplies, services, or professional services that does not exceed an aggregate dollar amount of $100,000, construction that does not exceed an aggregate dollar amount of $200,000, or lease of space that does not exceed 7,000 square feet shall be made under regulations adopted by the commissioner for small procurements.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$100,000 for supplies/services; $200,000 for construction

Citation 2:

AK ST § 36.30.320

Citation Language 2:

(a) A procurement for supplies, services, or professional services that does not exceed an aggregate dollar amount of $100,000, construction that does not exceed an aggregate dollar amount of $200,000, or lease of space that does not exceed 7,000 square feet shall be made under regulations adopted by the commissioner for small procurements.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



** **AZ ST § 41-2532 ; AZ ST § 41-2535

Citation Language:

2532 Unless otherwise authorized by law, all state contracts shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding as provided in section 41-2533 or as provided in sections 41-2534 through 41-2538 and sections 41-2554, 41-2558, 41-2559, 41-2572, 41-2578, 41-2579, 41-2581 and 41-2636. ; 2535 A. Any procurement that does not exceed the aggregate dollar amount of one hundred thousand dollars may be made in accordance with rules adopted by the director, except that the procurements shall be made with such competition as is practicable under the circumstances.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

AZ ST § 41-2535

Citation Language 2:

A. Any procurement that does not exceed the aggregate dollar amount of one hundred thousand dollars may be made in accordance with rules adopted by the director, except that the procurements shall be made with such competition as is practicable under the circumstances.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



A.C.A. § 19-11-229

Citation Language:

(1) Contracts exceeding an estimated purchase price of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding unless a determination is made in writing by the agency procurement official or the State Procurement Director that this method is not practicable and advantageous and specifically states the reasons that this method is not practicable and advantageous.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

A.C.A. § 19-11-204; A.C.A. § 19-11-231

Citation Language 2:

(13)(A)(i) “Small procurements” means a procurement not exceeding a purchase price of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). (ii) Small procurements may be procured without seeking competitive bids or competitive sealed bids. (iii) However, competition should be used to the maximum extent practicable. (B) Items under state contract are excluded. ; 19-11-231 (a) Any procurement not exceeding the amount under § 19-11-204(13), which refers to small procurements, may be made in accordance with small procurement procedures promulgated by the State Procurement Director. (b) However, procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small procurement under this section.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:

$25,000 for goods ; $5,000 for services


CA PUB CONT § 10301; CA PUB CONT § 10335

Citation Language:

CA PUB CONT § 10301 Except in cases when the agency and the department agree that an article of a specified brand or trade name is the only article that will properly meet the needs of the agency, or in cases where the Department of General Services has made a determination pursuant to Section 10308, all contracts for the acquisition or lease of goods in an amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), or a higher amount as established by the director, shall be made or entered into with the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications. § 10335 This article shall apply to all contracts, including amendments, entered into by any state agency for services to be rendered to the state, whether or not the services involve the furnishing or use of equipment, materials, or supplies or are performed by an independent contractor. Except as provided in Sections 10295.6 and 10351, and paragraphs (8) and (9) of subdivision (b) of Section 10340, all contracts subject to this article are of no effect unless and until approved by the department. Each contract shall be transmitted with all papers, estimates, and recommendations concerning it to the department and, if approved by the department, shall be effective from the date of approval. This article shall apply to any state agency that by general or specific statute is expressly or impliedly authorized to enter into the transactions referred to in this section. This article shall not apply to contracts for the construction, alteration, improvement, repair, or maintenance of real or personal property, contracts for services subject to Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 4525) of Division 5 of Title 1 of the Government Code, to contracts that are listed as exceptions in Section 10295, contracts of less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) in amount, contracts of less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) where only per diem or travel expenses, or a combination thereof, are to be paid, contracts between state agencies, or contracts between a state agency and local agency or federal agency.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

CA PUB CONT § 10301

Citation Language 2:

Except in cases when the agency and the department agree that an article of a specified brand or trade name is the only article that will properly meet the needs of the agency, or in cases where the Department of General Services has made a determination pursuant to Section 10308, all contracts for the acquisition or lease of goods in an amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), or a higher amount as established by the director, shall be made or entered into with the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications.For purposes of determining the lowest bid, the amount of sales tax shall be excluded from the total amount of the bid.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:




Citation Language:

(c) Invitation for bids, described in rule R-24-103-202-01, request for proposals, described in rule R24-103-203, and invitations to negotiate, described in rule R-24-103-208-03, may be used for goods or services estimated to exceed the small purchase threshold of $250,000.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$5,000; $50,000; $250,000

Citation 2:


Citation Language 2:

(a) Purchases of goods or services may be made without benefit of competition as follows: (i) A governmental body without delegated purchasing authority may purchase goods or services up to a limit of $5,000; (ii) A governmental body with delegated purchasing authority may purchase goods or services up to $50,000; and (b) Small purchases are goods and services purchases costing less than $250,000. Goods and services up to $250,000 may be purchased using a documented quote process, described in rule R-24-103-204-01, or the methods identified in section 24-103-201, C.R.S. The chief procurement officer may approve or deny a request from a procurement official or his or her designee to allow the purchasing agency to use a documented quote process when the estimated cost would exceed the small purchase threshold.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



CT ST § 4a-57

Citation Language:

(b) The commissioner may, at his discretion, waive the requirement of competitive bidding or competitive negotiation in the case of minor nonrecurring and emergency purchases of ten thousand dollars or less in amount.


* All solicitations must be competitive, but Commissioner can conditionally waive requirements for purchases under $10,000.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

CT ST § 4a-57

Citation Language 2:

(b) The commissioner may, at his discretion, waive the requirement of competitive bidding or competitive negotiation in the case of minor nonrecurring and emergency purchases of ten thousand dollars or less in amount.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



Delaware Budget & Accounting Policy 5.3.1

Citation Language:

For those items not already under a State Mandatory Use Contract, purchases are made according to the following thresholds: Less than $50,000 = Open Market Purchase; $50,000 - $99,999.99 = 3 Written Quotes $100,000 and over = Formal Bid

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

Commodities & Services - $50,000; $100,000; Public Works - $150,000; $250,000; Professional Services - $150,000

Citation 2:

Delaware Budget & Accounting Policy 5.3.1-3

Citation Language 2:

The Purchasing and Contracting Advisory Council established thresholds that trigger formal bidding procedures in the areas of Materiel and Non-Professional Services, Public Works, and Professional Services. State agencies are only required to use the formal bidding procedures when a purchase is made in an amount that exceeds the threshold limit. Materiel and Non-Professional Services • Less than $50,000 – Open Market Purchase • $50,000 - $99,999.99 – 3 Written Quotes • $100,000 and over – Formal Bid In the case of Materiel and Non-Professional Services, the dollar amount identified by the Purchasing and Advisory Council is a yearly cumulative limit. The dollar amount identified for Public Works and Professional Services are on a contract by contract basis, for which contracts shall not be fragmented to avoid reaching the dollar amount, and annual thresholds do not apply. Public Works • Less than $150,000 – Open Market Purchase • $150,000 - $249,999.99 – 3 Letter Bids • $250,000 and over – Formal Bid Professional Services • Less than $150,000 – Open Market • $150,000 and over – Formal RFP Process

District of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



DC CODE 2-354.02

Citation Language:

(a) Contracts exceeding $100,000 shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding unless the CPO issues a determination and findings that use of competitive sealed bidding is not practicable or not in the best interests of the District

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $100,000

Citation 2:

DC CODE 2–354.07

Citation Language 2:

§ 2–354.07. Small purchase procurements. (a) The CPO may establish a streamlined process for entering into contracts for goods and services not exceeding $100,000. The process shall set forth: (1) Requirements for basic competition, including solicitation of contracts or orders from multiple vendors; (2) A noncompetitive process for entering into contracts under a dollar threshold established by the CPO not to exceed $10,000; and (3) Requirements that purchases be made transparent. (a-1) The Tax Revision Commission may establish a streamlined noncompetitive process for entering into contracts for goods and services not exceeding $40,000. (b) Procurement requirements shall not be parceled, split, divided, or purchased over a period of time to avoid the $100,000 limitation of subsection (a) of this section or the $40,000 limitation of subsection (a-1) of this section. (c) The CPO shall implement standards to monitor small purchase procedures to ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, and policies.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



FL ST § 287.057 (1)

Citation Language:

The competitive solicitation processes authorized in this section shall be used for procurement of commodities or contractual services in excess of the threshold amount provided for CATEGORY TWO in s.  [287.017]( . Any competitive solicitation shall be made available simultaneously to all vendors, must include the time and date for the receipt of bids, proposals, or replies and of the public opening, and must include all contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement, including the criteria to be used in determining acceptability and relative merit of the bid, proposal, or reply.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$2,500; $20,000; $35,000

Citation 2:

FL ST § 287.017 ; FAC 60A-1.002

Citation Language 2:

287.017 Purchasing categories, threshold amounts.—The following purchasing categories are hereby created: (1) CATEGORY ONE: $20,000. (2) CATEGORY TWO: $35,000. (3) CATEGORY THREE: $65,000. (4) CATEGORY FOUR: $195,000. (5) CATEGORY FIVE: $325,000. ; 60A-1.002 Purchase of Commodities or Contractual Services.(2) Purchases with value below $2,500 shall be carried out using good purchasing practices. Such practices include but are not limited to the receipt of written quotations or written records of telephone quotations. (3) Purchases which meet or exceed $2,500, but are less than or equal to the threshold for Category Two may be made using written quotations, written records of telephone quotations, or informal bids to be opened upon receipt, whenever practical. If the agency receives verbal quotations, the name and address of each respondent and the amount quoted shall be a part of the written documentation. If the agency receives less than two quotations, it must include a statement as to why additional quotes were not received. If the agency determines that commodities or contractual services are available only from a single source, or that conditions warrant negotiation on the best terms and conditions, the agency may proceed with the procurement. The agency shall document the conditions and circumstances used to determine the procurement method. (4) In accordance with Chapter 287, F.S., all purchases for which the total contract value is in excess of the threshold amount for Category Two for a commodity or group of commodities or contractual service shall be made by first securing formal competitive solicitations, unless an exemption applies.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



GA ST § 50-5-67

Citation Language:

Except as otherwise provided in this Code section, contracts exceeding $100,000.00 shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

 GA Code § 50-5-69 

Citation Language 2:

If the needed supplies, materials, equipment, or service can reasonably be expected to be acquired for less than $25,000.00 and is not available on state contracts or through statutorily required sources, the purchase may be effectuated without competitive bidding. The commissioner of administrative services may by rule and regulation authorize the various offices, agencies, departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, institutions, authorities, or other entities of the state to make purchases in their own behalf and may provide the circumstances and conditions under which such purchases may be effected.

Flag of GuamGuam


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:

$25,000 for supplies and services; $100,000 for construction\*


5GCA § 5210

Citation Language:

(a)  Unless  otherwise  authorized  by  law,  all  territorial contracts  shall  be  awarded  by  competitive  sealed  bidding, pursuant to § 5211 of this Article, except for the procurement of professional services and except as provided in: (1)Section 5212 of this Article; (2)Section 5213 of this Article; (3)Section 5214 of this Article; (4)Section 5215 of this Article; (5)Section 5216 of this Article for services specified in § 5121 of this Chapter; or (6)Section 5217 of this Article


* All solicitations must be competitive, but small purchasing procedures can be used below the designated thresholds.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$25,000 for supplies and services; $100,000 for construction

Citation 2:

5GCA § 5213

Citation Language 2:

Small Purchases. Any procurement not exceeding Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) for supplies or services, and not exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for construction, may be made in accordance with small purchase procedures promulgated by the Policy Office; provided, however, that procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this Section. The Chief Procurement Officer, the Director of the Department of Public Works, or the head of an agency utilizing this Section, shall submit a report to the Speaker of I Liheslaturan Guåhan monthly as to procurement exceeding Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for supplies and services, or exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) for construction, pursuant to this Section.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



HI ST §103D-305

Citation Language:

(a) Procurements of less than $100,000 for goods or services, or $250,000 for construction shall be made in accordance with procedures set forth in rules adopted by the policy board that are designed to ensure administrative simplicity and as much competition as is practicable; provided that multiple expenditures shall not be created at the inception of a transaction or project so as to evade the requirements of this chapter; and provided further that procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided or parceled so as to constitute a small purchase under this section.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$100,000 for goods/services; $250,000 for construction; $25,000 - $250,000

Citation 2:

HI ST §103D-305

Citation Language 2:

(a) Procurements of less than $100,000 for goods or services, or $250,000 for construction shall be made in accordance with procedures set forth in rules adopted by the policy board that are designed to ensure administrative simplicity and as much competition as is practicable; provided that multiple expenditures shall not be created at the inception of a transaction or project so as to evade the requirements of this chapter; and provided further that procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided or parceled so as to constitute a small purchase under this section. (c) Procurements of $25,000 to less than $250,000 shall be made in accordance with small purchase procedures; provided that such small purchase procurements through an electronic system shall be required.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



IDAPA 38.05.01 041

Citation Language:

03\. Formal Sealed Procedure. a. The sealed procedure limit is one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000). b. Purchases of property in excess of the sealed procedure limit are made using the formal sealed procedure, unless exempted by these rules or the administrator.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$15,000 for property and software; $25,000 for services; $150,000 for informal purchases

Citation 2:

IDAPA 38.05.01 041

Citation Language 2:

01. Small Purchases. a. Acquisitions of the following property are small purchases: i. Services with a total cost less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) ii. Software, regardless of the delivery method (e.g. on-premise, cloud, software as a service, etc.), with a total cost less than fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000); iii. Property, excluding services, with a total cost less than fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000); iv. A mix of property including services and other property, with a total cost less than fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000). b. Small purchases do not require acquisition through competitive solicitation. Agencies must comply with the division’s small purchase policy. Property available under single agency or open contracts shall be purchased under such contracts and are not a small purchase under this rule unless otherwise authorized by the administrator. 02. Informal Purchases. a. Acquisition of property with a total cost exceeding the dollar limits established in this rule for a small purchase and less than the formal sealed procedure limit are informal purchases. b. Informal purchases may be made using: i. An informal solicitation issued through e-procurement, unless exempted by the administrator; or ii. The formal sealed procedure, when the purchasing authority makes a written determination that using a formal solicitation is in the best interest of the state, including where selection based solely on cost is not appropriate. c. Agencies procuring property under this rule shall maintain a purchasing file containing: i. The informal or formal solicitation document posted and quotes received. If the acquisition was not publicly posted, the agency shall include a statement describing the justification for determining that posting was impractical or impossible, along with the administrator’s authorization. ii. If not using e-procurement, the agency shall document the quotes received (or its attempt to obtain quotes) from at least three (3) vendors having a significant Idaho economic presence as defined in Section 67-2349, Idaho Code.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



IL ADC 44 § 1.2010a ; IL ADC 44 § 1.2020

Citation Language:

1.2010 (a) Application Competitive sealed bidding, also referred to as Invitation for Bids, is the required method of source selection, except as allowed by the Code and this Part. The provisions of this Section apply to every procurement required to be conducted by competitive sealed bidding. ; 1.2020 (a) Application 1) Individual procurements of $100,000 or less for supplies or services may be made without notice or competition. These small purchase maximums shall be subject to the annual cost of living increases set forth in subsection (a)(3). 2) Procurements for construction and construction related services of $100,000 or less, or as increased to reflect increases in the consumer price index as determined by the CPO-GS.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

IL ADC 44 § 1.2020

Citation Language 2:

a) Application 1) Individual procurements of $100,000 or less for supplies or services may be made without notice or competition. These small purchase maximums shall be subject to the annual cost of living increases set forth in subsection (a)(3). 2) Procurements for construction and construction related services of $100,000 or less, or as increased to reflect increases in the consumer price index as determined by the CPO-GS.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



25 IAC 1.1-1-9 & IC 5-22-8-1

Citation Language:

Sec. 9. All purchases for which the amount of the ultimate expenditure is estimated not to exceed the amount set out in IC 5-22-8-2(a) may be made either upon competitive sealed bids or in the open market, at the discretion of the Director. If made in the open market, a manually signed quote must be secured and shall be filed with the requisition. If practicable, two or three quotesshall be secured, but failure to do so shall not prevent the purchase from being made IC 5-22-8-2  Sec. 1. (a) This chapter applies only to a purchase expected by the purchasing agent to be less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000).      (b) Purchase requirements may not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this chapter.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$50,000; $150,000

Citation 2:

IC 5-22-8-2; IC 5-22-8-3

Citation Language 2:

IC 5-22-8-2 Purchases below $50,000 Sec. 2. (a) This section applies only if the purchasing agent expects the purchase to be less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). (b) A purchasing agent may make a purchase under small purchase policies established by the purchasing agency or under rules adopted by the governmental body. IC 5-22-8-3 Purchases between $50,000 and $150,000 Sec. 3. (a) This section applies only if the purchasing agent expects the purchase to be: (1) at least fifty thousand dollars ($50,000); and (2) not more than one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000). (b) A purchasing agent may purchase supplies under this section by inviting quotes from at least three (3) persons known to deal in the lines or classes of supplies to be purchased. (c) The purchasing agent shall mail an invitation to quote to the persons described in subsection (b) at least seven (7) days before the time fixed for receiving quotes. (d) If the purchasing agent receives a satisfactory quote, the purchasing agent shall award a contract to the lowest responsible and responsive offeror for each line or class of supplies required. (e) The purchasing agent may reject all quotes. (f) If the purchasing agent does not receive a quote from a responsible and responsive offeror, the purchasing agent may purchase the supplies under IC 5-22-10-10.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



IAC 11-117.3(2)

Citation Language:

117.3(2) Formal competition. The department shall use formal competition for the procurement of any good or service or group of goods or services of general use costing $50,000 or more.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

IAC 11-117.3(1)

Citation Language 2:

Informal competition. The department may use informal competition or formal competition for the purchase of any good or service or group of goods or services of general use costing less than $50,000.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



KS ST 75-3739

Citation Language:

(b) (1) If the amount of the purchase is estimated to exceed $50,000, sealed bids shall be solicited by notice published once in the Kansas register not less than 10 days before the date stated in the notice for the opening of the bids. (c) All purchases estimated to exceed approximately $25,000 but not more than $50,000, shall be made after receipt of sealed bids following at least three days' notice posted on a public bulletin board.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$5,000; $25,000

Citation 2:

KS ST 75-3739 (d)

Citation Language 2:

(d) All purchases estimated to be more than $5,000, but less than $25,000, may be made after the receipt of three or more bid solicitations by telephone, telephone facsimile or sealed bid, following at least three days' notice posted on a public bulletin board. Such bids shall be recorded as provided in subsection (f) of K.S.A. 75-3740, and amendments thereto. Any purchase that is estimated to be less than $5,000 may be purchased under conditions and procedures prescribed by the director of purchases. Purchases made in compliance with such conditions and procedures shall be exempt from other provisions of this section.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:

$1,000 for purchases; $10,000 for construction


KRS 45A.100 & 45A.080

Citation Language:

45A.100 Small purchases by state governmental bodies. (1) Procurements may be made in accordance with small purchase administrative regulations promulgated by the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, pursuant to KRS Chapter 13A, as follows: (a) Up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per project for construction and one thousand dollars ($1,000) for purchases by any state governmental body, except for those state administrative bodies specified in paragraph (b) of this subsection; and (b) Up to forty thousand dollars ($40,000) per project for construction or purchases by the Finance and Administration Cabinet, state institutions of higher education, and the legislative branch of government. 45A.080 Competitive sealed bidding. (1) Contracts exceeding the amount provided by KRS 45A.100 shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding, which may include the use of a reverse auction, unless it is determined in writing that this method is not practicable.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$1,000 for purchases; $10,000 for construction; $40,000 for the Finance & Administration Cabinet

Citation 2:

KRS 45A.100

Citation Language 2:

45A.100 Small purchases by state governmental bodies. (1) Procurements may be made in accordance with small purchase administrative regulations promulgated by the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, pursuant to KRS Chapter 13A, as follows: (a) Up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per project for construction and one thousand dollars ($1,000) for purchases by any state governmental body, except for those state administrative bodies specified in paragraph (b) of this subsection; and (b) Up to forty thousand dollars ($40,000) per project for construction or purchases by the Finance and Administration Cabinet, state institutions of higher education, and the legislative branch of government.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



LA RS 39:1594 & RS 39:1596

Citation Language:

§1594. Competitive sealed bids             A. Conditions for use. Contracts exceeding the amount provided by R.S. 39:1596 shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding unless otherwise provided in this Chapter.             B. Invitation for bids. Competitive sealed bidding shall be initiated by the issuance of an invitation for bids containing a description of the supplies, services, or major repairs to be procured and all contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement. §1596. Small purchases Procurements not exceeding the amounts established by executive order of the governor may be made in accordance with small purchase procedures prescribed by such executive order, except that procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this Section.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $20,000

Citation 2:

LA RS §1596; OSP 21-04 (Small Purchase Procedures JBE2020-21)

Citation Language 2:

§1596. Small purchases Procurements not exceeding the amounts established by executive order of the governor may be made in accordance with small purchase procedures prescribed by such executive order, except that procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this Section.; Governor Edwards has revised and reissued the Small Purchase Executive Order with E.O. JBE 2020-21. Significant changes include: 1. The micro-purchase threshold has been raised from $5,000 to $10,000. (Section 4.A) 2. The intermediate tier threshold has been raised from $15,000 to $20,000. (Section 4.B)



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



ME ST T. 5 § 1825-B (1-2)

Citation Language:

**1. Purchases by competitive bidding.  ** The Director of the Bureau of General Services shall purchase collectively all goods and services for the State or any department or agency of the State in a manner that best secures the greatest possible economy consistent with the required grade or quality of the goods or services. Except as otherwise provided by law, the Director of the Bureau of General Services shall make purchases of goods or services needed by the State or any department or agency of the State through competitive bidding.   **2. Waiver.  ** The requirement of competitive bidding may be waived by the Director of the Bureau of General Services when:   F. The procurement of goods or services involves expenditures of $10,000 or less, in which case the Director of the Bureau of General Services may accept oral proposals or bids; 

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$2,500; $10,000

Citation 2:

ME ST T. 5 § 1825-B.2

Citation Language 2:

2. Waiver. The requirement of competitive bidding may be waived by the Director of the Bureau of General Services when: A. The procurement of goods or services by the State for county commissioners pursuant to Title 30‑A, section 124, involves the expenditure of $2,500 or less, and the interests of the State would best be served; F. The procurement of goods or services involves expenditures of $10,000 or less, in which case the Director of the Bureau of General Services may accept oral proposals or bids; or G. The procurement of goods or services involves expenditures of $10,000 or less, and procurement from a single source is the most economical, effective and appropriate means of fulfilling a demonstrated need.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



MD Code Fin. & Proc. § 13-103(a)(1) & (c)(1-3)

Citation Language:

(a) (1) Whenever procurement is based on competitive sealed bids, a procurement officer shall seek bids by issuing an invitation for bids. (c) (1) A unit shall give public notice of an invitation for bids before bid opening in accordance with this subsection. (2) A unit shall give reasonable notice that shall be at least 10 days before bid opening. (3) The unit shall publish notice in eMaryland Marketplace at least 20 days before bid opening if: (i) the procurement officer reasonably expects bid prices to exceed $50,000 or a lower amount set by the Board by regulation in accordance with Title 10, Subtitle 1 of the State Government Article; 

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$100,000; $200,000 for construction

Citation 2:

MD Code Fin. & Proc. § 13–109.

Citation Language 2:

(a) In this section, "small procurement" means a procurement for which: (1) a unit spends $100,000 or less; (2) a contractor provides services subject to § 11-202(3) of this article for expected annual revenues of $100,000 or less; (3) the Department of General Services or the Department of Transportation is seeking to award a procurement contract for a construction with a value that is $200,000 or less; (4) the Department of Natural Resources is seeking to award a procurement contract for capital projects or maintenance with a value that is $200,000 or less; or (5) for purposes of administering Title 29, Subtitle 1 of the State Personnel and Pensions Article, the State Retirement Agency spends $100,000 or less during a fiscal year for: (i) expenses related to independent medical evaluations by a physician; and (ii) any expenses related to testimony by the physician at administrative hearings on behalf of the Agency. (b) A unit may make small procurements in accordance with the regulations of primary procurement units. (c) A primary procurement unit may not create a small procurement by artificial division of a procurement. (d) Any regulation of a primary procurement unit to govern small procurements: (1) shall provide for a simplified administrative procedure; (2) shall be consistent with the basic intent of this Division II; and (3) may not be disadvantageous economically to the State.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



MA ST 30B § 6

Citation Language:

(a) Except as permitted under section 6 or section 8, award of procurement contracts in the amount of more than $50,000 or, in the case of a municipal or regional school district, award of procurement contracts in the amount of more than $100,000, shall conform to the competitive sealed bidding procedures set forth in this section. This subsection shall not apply to contracts for the procurement of real property.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $50,000

Citation 2:

MA ST 30B § 4

Citation Language 2:

Section 4. (a) Except as permitted pursuant to this section and section 7, for the procurement of a supply or service for a governmental body in the amount of $10,000 or greater, but not more than $50,000, a procurement officer shall seek written quotations from not fewer than 3 persons customarily providing the supply or service; provided, however, that for the procurement of a supply or service for a municipal or regional school district, such amount shall be $10,000 or greater but not more than $100,000. The procurement officer shall record the: (i) names and addresses of all person from whom quotations were sought; (ii) purchase description used for the procurement; (iii) names of the persons submitting quotations; and (iv) date and amount of each quotation. Such information shall be retained in the file required pursuant to section 3. A governmental body may require that any procurement for the governmental body in an amount of not more than $50,000 shall be subject to section 5; provided, however, that any procurement for a municipal or regional school district such amount shall be not more than $100,000. (b) The procurement officer shall award the contract to the responsible person offering the needed quality of supply or service at the lowest quotation. (c) A procurement in the amount of less than $10,000 shall be obtained through the exercise of sound business practices.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



Michigan Procurement Policy Manual (MPPM) Ch. 5 - 5.3.4

Citation Language:

Anticipated Value Greater than $50,000 - Request For Proposal/Invitation to Negotiate - Formal Competitive Bidding Required.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$5,000; $50,000

Citation 2:

Michigan Procurement Policy Manual (MPPM) Ch. 5 - 5.3.4

Citation Language 2:

Anticipated Value $5,000.01-$50,000 RFQ requires Informal Competitive Bidding (Formal Competitive Bidding is an acceptable alternative); Anticipated Value less than or equal to $5,000 Alternative Competitive Bidding Solicitation (Formal and Informal Competitive Bidding are acceptable alternatives) Due diligence is encouraged.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:

$50,000 goods and services; $100,000 for Dept. of Transportation


MN ST 16C.06 § 2

Citation Language:

Subd. 2.Solicitation process**.**  (a) A formal solicitation must be used to acquire all goods, service contracts, and utilities estimated at or more than $50,000, or in the case of a Department of Transportation solicitation, at or more than $100,000, unless otherwise provided for. Formal responses must be authenticated by the responder in a manner specified by the commissioner. (b) An informal solicitation may be used to acquire all goods, service contracts, and utilities that are estimated at less than $50,000, or in the case of a Department of Transportation solicitation, at or less than $100,000. The number of vendors required to receive solicitations may be determined by the commissioner. Informal responses must be authenticated by the responder in a manner specified by the commissioner.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$5,000; $50,000; $100,000 for Dept. of Transportation

Citation 2:

MN DOA Purchasing Policy 2; MN ST 16C.06 § 2(b)

Citation Language 2:

Purchasing Policy 2 - Revised: The FPO can be used in certain circumstances by authorized State employees to purchase items up to $5,000.00. The FPO limit of $5,000.00 includes freight and miscellaneous charges, but not sales and use taxes. It is intended for use when the State employee is not in his or her primary work location and procuring the goods and allowable services cannot be done in the Statewide Integrated Financial Tools (SWIFT) System. The FPO is not to be used to order goods and services for future deliveries. ; 16C.06 Subd. 2 (b) An informal solicitation may be used to acquire all goods, service contracts, and utilities that are estimated at less than $50,000, or in the case of a Department of Transportation solicitation, at or less than $100,000. The number of vendors required to receive solicitations may be determined by the commissioner. Informal responses must be authenticated by the responder in a manner specified by the commissioner.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



Miss. Code Ann. § 31-7-13

Citation Language:

1\. Purchases which involve an expenditure of more than Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00), exclusive of freight and shipping charges, may be made from the lowest and best bidder after advertising for competitive bids once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a regular newspaper published in the county or municipality in which such agency or governing authority is located.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$5,000; $50,000

Citation 2:

 MS Code § 31-7-13 (2019)

Citation Language 2:

(a) Bidding procedure for purchases not over $5,000.00. Purchases which do not involve an expenditure of more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), exclusive of freight or shipping charges, may be made without advertising or otherwise requesting competitive bids. However, nothing contained in this paragraph (a) shall be construed to prohibit any agency or governing authority from establishing procedures which require competitive bids on purchases of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or less. (b) Bidding procedure for purchases over $5,000.00 but not over $50,000.00. Purchases which involve an expenditure of more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) but not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of freight and shipping charges, may be made from the lowest and best bidder without publishing or posting advertisement for bids, provided at least two (2) competitive written bids have been obtained. Any state agency or community/junior college purchasing commodities or procuring construction pursuant to this paragraph (b) may authorize its purchasing agent, or his designee, to accept the lowest competitive written bid under Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). Any governing authority purchasing commodities pursuant to this paragraph (b) may authorize its purchasing agent, or his designee, with regard to governing authorities other than counties, or its purchase clerk, or his designee, with regard to counties, to accept the lowest and best competitive written bid. Such authorization shall be made in writing by the governing authority and shall be maintained on file in the primary office of the agency and recorded in the official minutes of the governing authority, as appropriate. The purchasing agent or the purchase clerk, or their designee, as the case may be, and not the governing authority, shall be liable for any penalties and/or damages as may be imposed by law for any act or omission of the purchasing agent or purchase clerk, or their designee, constituting a violation of law in accepting any bid without approval by the governing authority. The term “competitive written bid” shall mean a bid submitted on a bid form furnished by the buying agency or governing authority and signed by authorized personnel representing the vendor, or a bid submitted on a vendor’s letterhead or identifiable bid form and signed by authorized personnel representing the vendor. “Competitive” shall mean that the bids are developed based upon comparable identification of the needs and are developed independently and without knowledge of other bids or prospective bids. Any bid item for construction in excess of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) shall be broken down by components to provide detail of component description and pricing. These details shall be submitted with the written bids and become part of the bid evaluation criteria. Bids may be submitted by facsimile, electronic mail or other generally accepted method of information distribution. Bids submitted by electronic transmission shall not require the signature of the vendor’s representative unless required by agencies or governing authorities.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



MO ST 34.040.2

Citation Language:

 2\.  On any purchase where the estimated expenditure shall be one hundred thousand dollars or over, except as provided in subsection 6 of this section, the commissioner of administration shall:  (3)  Solicit bids by mail or other reasonable method generally available to the public from prospective suppliers.  All bids for such supplies shall be mailed or delivered to the office of the commissioner of administration so as to reach such office before the time set for opening bids.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $100,000

Citation 2:

MO ST 34.040; 1CSR 40-1.50 (3)

Citation Language 2:

 34.040.  Purchases to be made on competitive bids, when, how — standard specifications, when — exception — failure to pay taxes, effect of — reverse auctions, when — rulemaking authority. —  1.  All purchases in excess of ten thousand dollars shall be based on competitive bids, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. ; 1-CSR 40-1.050 (3) When the procurement is estimated to be less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), an informal method of solicitation may be utilized. Informal methods of procurement may include Request for Quotation (RFQ), telephone quotes, etc.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



ARM 2.5.603

Citation Language:

(3) The division or state agency, if authorized in a written delegation agreement, may procure supplies or services with a total contract value of $10,000 or more and less than $100,000, using a limited solicitation procedure.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $100,000

Citation 2:

MT ADC 2.5.603

Citation Language 2:

(1) The division or state agency may procure supplies or services when the total contract value will be less than $10,000 using a purchase technique that best meets the agency's needs, including the use of electronic online auctions. (2) The payment method used for small purchases should be the state's purchasing card, except for interagency purchases. (3) The division or state agency, if authorized in a written delegation agreement, may procure supplies or services with a total contract value of $10,000 or more and less than $100,000, using a limited solicitation procedure. This procedure requires a minimum of three viable written or oral quotations, if available. The limited solicitation procedure must be documented and, wherever practical, use the department's vendor list.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



NE REV ST 73-807 (2)

Citation Language:

(2) All proposed state agency contracts in excess of fifty thousand dollars shall be bid by a competitive formal bidding process in the manner prescribed by the division procurement manual or a process approved by the Director of Administrative Services. Bidding for contracts for services may be performed at the state agency level or by the division. The division shall administer the public notice and bidding procedures for any contract for personal property;

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$5,000; $50,000

Citation 2:

Unrestricted Open Market Purchase Authority Memo

Citation Language 2:

2. P-Card Purchases (under $5,000 only): a. Non-Contract: A P-card may be used for purchases of commodities $5,000 or less, provided the item(s) are not on contract and are not included on Attachment A, Restricted Items. b. Contracted Items: A P-card cannot be used to pay for any contract purchases (under or over $5,000) unless authorized in writing by the DAS-Materiel Administrator. Agency Directors may request authority to utilize a P-card for contracted commodities available on contract by submitting such request in writing directed to the DAS-Materiel Administrator. A Purchasing Card Program Letter of Agreement between DAS-Materiel Division and the requesting agency must be completed and signed, which will specify the contracts available for use by the requesting agency with a Pcard. The Letter of Agreement requires the agency to track all purchases made within the program and report such purchases by contract number to DAS-Materiel Division on a monthly-basis using a provided P-Card Program Spreadsheet. The authorization will need to be reaffirmed annually. Authorization will remain in effect as long as the requirements are followed. The program can be terminated at any time by DAS-Materiel Division. 3. Non-Contract Purchases (Over $5,000): For non-contract purchases over $5,000.00 a purchase order must be generated in the PFC (E1) prior to placing the order with the vendor. Purchase orders encumber agency funds. Purchase orders should clearly state the product(s) the vendor is to provide (name and item number), quantity requested, delivery requirements, and the product price(s). Purchase orders must have an authorized signature prior to sending to the vendor and the State’s Terms and Conditions should accompany the purchase order when sent to the vendor (available at Purchase Order Terms and Conditions.pdf ( a. Direct Purchases $5,000 - $50,000: (Policy) Agencies are highly encouraged to solicit bids from a minimum of three (3) vendors to ensure effective and reasonable pricing whenever possible. b. Documentation, including vendor names and bid prices, must be attached to the purchase order(s) in the PFC (E1) to meet the reporting requirements of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 73-814.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



NV ST 333.300

Citation Language:

2\.  All such materials, supplies and equipment, except as otherwise provided in this section, if the estimated cost thereof exceeds $50,000, must be purchased by formal contract from the lowest responsible bidder after notice inviting the submission of sealed proposals to the Administrator of the Purchasing Division at the date, hour and location set forth in the proposal, and at that date, hour and location the proposals must be publicly opened. The Purchasing Division may reject any or all proposals, or may accept the proposal determined best for the interest of the State. The notice must be published as prescribed in NRS 333.310.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

 NRS 333.300.3

Citation Language 2:

3.  The Administrator may solicit the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment, if the estimated cost thereof is $50,000 or less, by written contract from the lowest responsible bidder if notice of the proposed purchase is provided to: (a) At least three persons in a position to furnish the materials, supplies or equipment; and (b) The Office of Economic Development.

New HampshireNew Hampshire


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



NH ST § 21-I:11

Citation Language:

(a) The division of procurement and support services, which shall be under the supervision of an unclassified director of procurement and support services who shall be responsible for the following functions, in accordance with applicable law: (1) Purchasing all materials, equipment, supplies, and services for all departments and agencies of the state including contracting for the purchase or rental of data processing equipment and contracting for the purchase of electric power supply and services, except as otherwise provided by law. Insofar as practicable all such purchases shall be made in such quantities and manner as shall be most economical for the state. (2) Requiring competitive bidding before making any purchase for the state pursuant to the laws of the state applicable to the division's procurement functions, except: (A) When the best interests of the state would be served thereby and the purchase involves a total expenditure of not more than $10,000 or is a purchase in an approved class.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

NH Adm 601.03 (c)

Citation Language 2:

(c)  Pursuant to RSA 21-I: 11, I (a) (3), except where competitive bidding has been employed, no purchase involving an expenditure of more than $10,000 or purchase in an approved class may be made by the director of procurement and support services without the written approval of the commissioner.

Flag of New JerseyNew Jersey


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



NJ AC 17:12-1.1(b); NJ Rev Stat § 52:34-7

Citation Language:

17:12-1.1(c) When the aggregate amount exceeds the threshold established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:34-7, the Division shall, as prescribed and/or practicable, use one of the following methods to procure the needed goods and/or services: 1. An advertised competitive bidding process that utilizes a Request for Proposal or Request for Qualifications and permits such full and free competition as is consistent with the procurement of goods and services necessary to meet the requirements of the using agency or agencies;  52:34-7 State bid advertising thresholds. 2\. a. Any such purchase, contract or agreement may be made, negotiated, or awarded by the Director of the Division of Purchase and Property or the Director of the Division of Building and Construction, as the case may be, without advertising, in any manner which the director may deem effective to promote full and free competition whenever competition is practicable, if: (1) the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $25,000.00 or the amount determined pursuant to subsection b. of this section; 

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

NJ Rev Stat § 52:34-7

Citation Language 2:

2. a. Any such purchase, contract or agreement may be made, negotiated, or awarded by the Director of the Division of Purchase and Property or the Director of the Division of Building and Construction, as the case may be, without advertising, in any manner which the director may deem effective to promote full and free competition whenever competition is practicable, if: (1) the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $25,000.00 or the amount determined pursuant to subsection b. of this section; or (2) (Deleted by amendment, P.L.1985, c.107) or (3) the aggregate amount involved including labor and construction materials does not exceed $25,000.00 or the amount determined pursuant to subsection b. of this section in the case of contracts or agreements for the erection, construction, alteration, or repair of any public building or facility. When the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $25,000.00 or the amount determined pursuant to subsection b. of this section in the case of contracts or agreements for the erection, construction, alteration, or repair of any public building or facility, the Director of the Division of Purchase and Property or the Director of the Division of Building and Construction may, at the director's discretion, delegate to the appropriate State department or using agency the director's authority to make, negotiate, or award a contract or agreement without advertising.

New MexicoNew Mexico


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



NM ST § 13-1-125

Citation Language:

A. A central purchasing office shall procure services, construction or items of tangible personal property having a value not exceeding sixty thousand dollars ($60,000), excluding applicable state and local gross receipts taxes, in accordance with the applicable small purchase rules adopted by the secretary, a local public body or a central purchasing office that has the authority to issue rules. B. Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection A of this section, a central purchasing office may procure professional services having a value not exceeding sixty thousand dollars ($60,000), excluding applicable state and local gross receipts taxes, except for the services of landscape architects or surveyors for state public works projects or local public works projects, in accordance with professional services procurement rules promulgated by the general services department or a central purchasing office with the authority to issue rules. C. Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection A of this section, a state agency or a local public body may procure services, construction or items of tangible personal property having a value not exceeding twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), excluding applicable state and local gross receipts taxes, by issuing a direct purchase order to a contractor based upon the best obtainable price. D. Procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this section.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

NM ST § 13-1-125

Citation Language 2:

A. A central purchasing office shall procure services, construction or items of tangible personal property having a value not exceeding sixty thousand dollars ($60,000), excluding applicable state and local gross receipts taxes, in accordance with the applicable small purchase rules adopted by the secretary, a local public body or a central purchasing office that has the authority to issue rules. B. Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection A of this section, a central purchasing office may procure professional services having a value not exceeding sixty thousand dollars ($60,000), excluding applicable state and local gross receipts taxes, except for the services of landscape architects or surveyors for state public works projects or local public works projects, in accordance with professional services procurement rules promulgated by the general services department or a central purchasing office with the authority to issue rules. C. Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection A of this section, a state agency or a local public body may procure services, construction or items of tangible personal property having a value not exceeding twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), excluding applicable state and local gross receipts taxes, by issuing a direct purchase order to a contractor based upon the best obtainable price.

New YorkNew York


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



NY STATE FIN § 163.6

Citation Language:

6\. Discretionary buying thresholds. Pursuant to guidelines established by the state procurement council: the commissioner may purchase services and commodities for the office of general services or its customer agencies serviced by the office of general services business services center in an amount not exceeding eighty-five thousand dollars without a formal competitive process; state agencies may purchase services and commodities in an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars without a formal competitive process; and state agencies may purchase commodities or services from small business concerns or those certified pursuant to article fifteen-A of the executive law and article three of the veterans' services law, or commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured in an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars without a formal competitive process and for commodities that are food, including milk and milk products, or animal or plant fiber products, grown, produced, harvested, or processed in New York state or textile products manufactured from animal or plant fiber grown or produced predominantly in New York state in an amount not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars, without a formal competitive process.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$50,000; $85,000

Citation 2:

NY STATE FIN § 163.6

Citation Language 2:

6. Discretionary buying thresholds. Pursuant to guidelines established by the state procurement council: the commissioner may purchase services and commodities for the office of general services or its customer agencies serviced by the office of general services business services center in an amount not exceeding eighty-five thousand dollars without a formal competitive process; state agencies may purchase services and commodities in an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars without a formal competitive process; and state agencies may purchase commodities or services from small business concerns or those certified pursuant to article fifteen-A of the executive law and article three of the veterans' services law, or commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured in an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars without a formal competitive process and for commodities that are food, including milk and milk products, or animal or plant fiber products, grown, produced, harvested, or processed in New York state or textile products manufactured from animal or plant fiber grown or produced predominantly in New York state in an amount not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars, without a formal competitive process.

North CarolinaNorth Carolina


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



NC GS § 143-53.1; NC GS § 143-49 (3)

Citation Language:

§ 143-53.1. Setting of benchmarks; increase by Secretary. (a) On and after July 1, 2014, the procedures prescribed by G.S. 143-52 with respect to competitive bids and the bid value benchmark authorized by G.S. 143-53(a)(2) with respect to rule making by the Secretary of Administration for competitive bidding shall promote compliance with the principles of procurement efficiency, transparency, and fair competition to obtain the State's business. For State departments, institutions, and agencies, except the President of The University of North Carolina or a special responsibility constituent institution of The University of North Carolina and community colleges, the benchmark shall not be greater than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). § 143-49. Powers and duties of Secretary. The Secretary of Administration has the power and authority, and it is the Secretary's duty, subject to the provisions of this Article: (3) To purchase or to contract for, by sealed, competitive bidding or other suitable means authorized by the Secretary including, without limitation, negotiations, reverse auctions, a best value procurement method such as that defined in G.S. 143-135.9(a)(1), and the solicitation, offer, and acceptance of electronic bids, all services of the State government, or any of its departments, institutions, or agencies; or to authorize any department, institution or agency to purchase or contract for such services.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

NC DOA Procurement Manual 1.2.1

Citation Language 2:

Small purchases are those that are valued at $25,000 or less, including the amount of any extensions or renewals. Small purchases are addressed in 01 NCAC 05B .0301 and are subject to the following rules: • STCs shall be used for small purchases if applicable and mandatory. STCs that are deemed for use as “convenience” may be used for any purchase, including small purchases. All goods and services covered by STCs shall be purchased in accordance with the instructions in those contracts. o The P&C contract administrator for the STC should be consulted by the using agency when a special type of good or service not already included on the STC is needed. • Agencies may post small purchase solicitations on P&C’s electronic bid system and may use solicitation templates provided by P&C. Agencies may also use NC eProcurement’s collaborative requisitioning function in order to seek vendor quotes. Neither of these systems is required for small purchases. • Agencies should monitor small purchases to protect against system abuse and to ensure that the value received by the agency is commensurate with the amount spent. Agencies should follow their internal policies for small purchases, which may include soliciting at least three competitive quotes or bids. Additionally, agencies should develop initiatives to encourage and promote the use of HUB vendors. Agency executive officers shall develop written procedures for the administration of small purchases. Agencies shall provide these procedures to the SPO upon request.

North DakotaNorth Dakota


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



ND Office of Management & Budget - State Procurement Competition Thresholds Matrix

Citation Language:

Level 4 Formal Purchases $100,000 and over: -Post formal sealed Invitation for Bid (IFB) or Request for Proposal (RFP) to SPO Online and send to bidders list. May send to other potential vendors. -Document solicitation method used, vendors solicited, SPO Online email notice, any amendments, evaluation method, and basis for award. -Prohibition of Israel Boycott (N.D.C.C. § 54-44.4-15) (does not apply to contracts below $100,000 and companies with fewer than ten employees). -Alternate Procurement required if soliciting less than required level of competition.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $50,000; $100,000

Citation 2:

ND Office of Management & Budget - State Procurement Competition Thresholds Matrix

Citation Language 2:

Level 1 Micro Purchases - less than $10,000: -Obtain at least one fair and reasonable quote (N.D.C.C. § 54-44.4-11). -Rotate vendors solicited on an equitable basis. (N.D.A.C. § 4-12-08-02) -Use State Purchasing Card when possible. OMB Fiscal Policy 300. -If competition obtained, document solicitation used, vendors solicited, any amendments, responses received, evaluation, basis for award. -Alternate Procurement (AP) not required if no competition. Level 2 Small Purchases - At least $10,000 but less than $50,000: -Solicit informal bids or proposals from at least three vendors. -May post to SPO Online and send to bidders list. May send to other potential vendors. -Document solicitation used, vendors solicited, any amendments, responses received, evaluation, basis for award. Level 3 Informal Purchase - at least $50,000 but less than $100,000: -Post informal bid or proposal to SPO Online and send to bidders list. May send to other potential vendors. -Alternate Procurement required if soliciting less than required level of competition. STATE: Printing $10,000 & over submit SPO Work Request if not using state source of supply. -Alternate Procurement is required if fewer than three vendors are solicited. STATE: Printing $10,000 & over submit SPO Work Request if not using state source of supply.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



OH ST § 127.16

Citation Language:

(A) Upon the request of either a state agency or the director of budget and management and after the controlling board determines that an emergency or a sufficient economic reason exists, the controlling board may approve the making of a purchase without competitive selection as provided in division (B) of this section. (B) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no state agency, using money that has been appropriated to it directly, shall: (1) Make any purchase from a particular supplier, that would amount to fifty thousand dollars or more when combined with both the amount of all disbursements to the supplier during the fiscal year for purchases made by the agency and the amount of all outstanding encumbrances for purchases made by the agency from the supplier, unless the purchase is made by competitive selection or with the approval of the controlling board; (2) Lease real estate from a particular supplier, if the lease would amount to seventy-five thousand dollars or more when combined with both the amount of all disbursements to the supplier during the fiscal year for real estate leases made by the agency and the amount of all outstanding encumbrances for real estate leases made by the agency from the supplier, unless the lease is made by competitive selection or with the approval of the controlling board.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

OH ST § 125.05

Citation Language 2:

(A) A state agency may, without competitive selection, make any purchase of supplies or services that cost less than fifty thousand dollars after complying with divisions (A) to (E) of section 125.035 of the Revised Code. The agency may make the purchase directly or may make the purchase from or through the department of administrative services, whichever the agency determines. The agency shall adopt written procedures consistent with the department's purchasing procedures and shall use those procedures when making purchases under this division.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



74 O.S. § 85.7(A)(1)

Citation Language:

A. 1. Except as otherwise provided by the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, or associated rules: a. every state agency shall initiate all acquisitions by the submission of a requisition to the Purchasing Division, and b. no state agency shall make an acquisition for an amount exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) or the limit determined by the State Purchasing Director pursuant to rules authorized by Section 85.5 of this title, not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00), without submission of a requisition to the Purchasing Division for issuance of a solicitation for the acquisition on behalf of the agency. Any exemption from competitive bid requirements of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act further exempts the acquisition from requisition requirements of the act.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$5,000; $100,000

Citation 2:

74 O.S. § 85.5.11

Citation Language 2:

11. State agency acquisitions not exceeding the acquisition purchase amount requiring competitive bid pursuant to Section 85.7 of this title to ensure competitiveness, fairness, compliance with provisions of all sections of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, and compliance with provisions of Section 3001 et seq. of this title, which relate to the State Use Committee. The rules shall include separate provisions based on acquisition purchase price as follows: 1. state agencies shall make acquisitions not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), provided the acquisition process is fair and reasonable and is conducted pursuant to rules authorized pursuant to this section, and 2. state agencies with certified procurement officers and internal purchasing procedures found compliant by the Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services pursuant to this section may make acquisitions in excess of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) and not exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), pursuant to rules authorized by this section;



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



ORS 279B.050 ; ORS 279B.070

Citation Language:

ORS 279B.050 (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a contracting agency shall award a public contract for goods or services by competitive sealed bidding under [ORS 279B.055 (Competitive sealed bidding)]( or competitive sealed proposals under [ORS 279B.060 (Competitive sealed proposals)]( ; ORS 279B.070 (1) A contracting agency may award a procurement of goods or services that exceeds $10,000 but does not exceed $150,000 in accordance with intermediate procurement procedures. A contract awarded under this section may be amended to exceed $150,000 only in accordance with rules adopted under ORS 279A.065 (Model rules generally).

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $150,000

Citation 2:

ORS 279B.065; ORS 279B.070

Citation Language 2:

ORS 279B.065 (1)A contracting agency may award a procurement of goods or services that does not exceed $10,000 in any manner the contracting agency deems practical or convenient, including by direct selection or award. A contract awarded under this section may be amended to exceed $10,000 only in accordance with rules adopted under ORS 279A.065 (Model rules generally). ; ORS 279B.070 (1)A contracting agency may award a procurement of goods or services that exceeds $10,000 but does not exceed $150,000 in accordance with intermediate procurement procedures. A contract awarded under this section may be amended to exceed $150,000 only in accordance with rules adopted under ORS 279A.065 (Model rules generally). (2)A contracting agency may not artificially divide or fragment a procurement so as to constitute an intermediate procurement under this section. (3)When conducting an intermediate procurement, a contracting agency shall seek at least three informally solicited competitive price quotes or competitive proposals from prospective contractors. The contracting agency shall keep a written record of the sources of the quotes or proposals received. If three quotes or proposals are not reasonably available, fewer will suffice, but the contracting agency shall make a written record of the effort the contracting agency makes to obtain the quotes or proposals.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:

For DGS: materials - $100,000 / services - $250,000; For Agencies: materials & services - $10,000


DGS Procurement Handbook Part I Ch. 7 A

Citation Language:

Materials: Formal Method Agency $10,000.01 - $100,000; Formal Method DGS > $100,000. Services: Formal Method Agency $10,000.01 - $250,000 Formal Method DGS/Agency Delegated > $250,000

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

DGS Procurement Handbook Part I Ch. 7 A

Citation Language 2:

C. Small No-Bid Procurements. 1. Delegation. Pursuant to the authority given in Section 514 of the Commonwealth Procurement Code, 62 Pa. C.S., § 514, DGS has authorized Agencies to procure on a small no-bid procurement basis provided they do not exceed thresholds identified above. This procurement process may be found in Part II Chapter 01, Small No-Bid Procurements of this Handbook. 2. Limitations. Agencies are not authorized to make small no-bid procurements if the procurement is the subject of a statewide requirements contract unless either of the following conditions exists: a. The procurement is less than the minimum order amount stated within the contract. b. The off-contract procurement is authorized by DGS as provided in Part I Chapter 09, Statewide Requirements Contract.

Puerto RicoPuerto Rico


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



(P. de la C. 2112); 2019, law 73 Article 31(c)

Citation Language:

(c) Formal Auction;   Bidding method to be used when acquiring goods, works and non-professional services whose cost exceeds the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00). Said award will be made by the Auction Board to the responsive bidder who has offered the best value.   d) Request for Proposals and/or Request for Sealed Proposals and/or _Request for Proposal_ (RFP)   Bidding method to be used to acquire goods, works and non-professional services that allows negotiation between the offeror and the Administration, while the proposals received are evaluated. The RFP allows for negotiated purchasing and gives bidders the opportunity to review and modify their offers prior to the award of the _contract_ ; The Administration may request bidders to present their best and final offer. The RFP must contain the parameters that will be used to award the contract. That is, the requirements, terms and conditions, as well as the factors that must be considered in the evaluation for the award of the auction. The negotiation phase will not create an acquired right between the parties. Under this bidding method it will be called a Request for Proposals when the cost of goods, works and non-professional services does not exceed the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) and the award is made by the Auxiliary Procurement Administration with the approval of the Administrator. The Invitation will be issued by the Auxiliary Procurement Administration.   Under this bidding method it will be called a Request for Sealed Proposals when the cost of goods, works and non-professional services exceeds the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) and the award is made by the Auction Board. The Invitation will be issued by the Auction Board.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$15,000; $100,000

Citation 2:

(P. de la C. 2112); 2019, law 73 Article 31

Citation Language 2:

(a) Bidding method to be used when acquiring goods, works and non-professional services whose cost does not exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00). (Translated) In them it will not be necessary to hold an auction. The Assistant Procurement Administrator or his authorized representative will request a minimum of three (3) quotes from bidders duly registered in the RUL, under the corresponding category. The number of at least three (3) bidders will be subject to there being sufficient supplying firms for the good or service to be purchased. Quotes may be received by telephone, fax, email or any other available means of communication. In those cases in which the minimum number of quotes is not obtained, this will not be an obstacle to proceeding with the purchase; however, the reasons for not obtaining the three (3) quotes must be documented. In the event that a quote has been requested from a particular supplier and they have not responded to the request, it should not be considered as “NO BID” unless their refusal to participate in the tender is stated by the supplier, in writing. Quotes must be received on or before the date and time indicated in the quote request, and the quote record will be completed. The best value quote will be chosen taking into account the totality of the circumstances and the best interests of the Government. Once it is awarded by the Assistant Procurement Administrator, the successful bidder, if he has bid by telephone, must submit his bid under his signature, in writing. The Administrator may use the informal auction method for a complex acquisition whose cost does not exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00), when it determines that said method serves the best interests of the Government of Puerto Rico. (b) Informal Auction; Bidding method to be used when acquiring goods, works and non-professional services whose cost exceeds fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00), but does not exceed the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00). The Assistant Procurement Administrator or his authorized representative will evaluate the bids and award the bid to the responsive bidder who has offered the best value.

Rhode IslandRhode Island


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:

$10,000 general purchases; $25,000 construction


R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-18; R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-22

Citation Language:

§ 37-2-18. Competitive sealed bidding. **(a)** Contracts exceeding the amount provided by § 37-2-22 shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding unless it is determined in writing that this method is not practicable or that the best value for the state may be obtained by using an electronic reverse auction as set forth in § 37-2-18.1. Factors to be considered in determining whether competitive sealed bidding is practicable shall include whether: **(1)** Specifications can be prepared that permit award on the basis of either the lowest bid price or the lowest evaluated bid price; and **(2)** The available sources, the time and place of performance, and other relevant circumstances as are appropriate for the use of competitive sealed bidding. § 37-2-22. Small purchases. Procurements, not to exceed an aggregate amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for construction and ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for all other purchases may be made in accordance with small purchase regulations promulgated by the chief purchasing officer. Procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this section.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000 non-construction; $25,000 construction

Citation 2:

R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-22

Citation Language 2:

§ 37-2-22. Small purchases. Procurements, not to exceed an aggregate amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for construction and ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for all other purchases may be made in accordance with small purchase regulations promulgated by the chief purchasing officer. Procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this section.

South CarolinaSouth Carolina


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



SECTION 11-35-1510; SECTION 11-35-1550

Citation Language:

SECTION 11-35-1510 Unless otherwise provided by law, all state contracts must be awarded by competitive sealed bidding, pursuant to Section 11-35-1520, except as provided in: (9) Section 11-35-1550 (Small Purchases); SECTION 11-35-1550 (1) Authority. The following small purchase procedures may be utilized only in conducting procurements for governmental bodies that are up to the amounts specified herein, but not in excess of the authority granted pursuant to Section 11-35-1210. Procurement requirements must not be artificially divided by governmental bodies so as to constitute a small purchase pursuant to this section. (2) Competition and Price Reasonableness. (b) Three Written Quotes. Written request for written quotes from a minimum of three qualified sources of supply may be made and, unless adequate public notice is provided in the South Carolina Business Opportunities, documentation of at least three bona fide, responsive, and responsible quotes must be attached to the purchase requisition for a small purchase not in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars, or for a small purchase of commercially available off-the-shelf products not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars, or for a small purchase of construction not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars. The award must be made to the lowest responsive and responsible sources. The request for quotes must include a purchase description. Requests must be distributed equitably among qualified supplies unless advertised as provided above.


SECTION 11-35-1550 (2)(c) Allows for an abbreviated advertised formal solicitation of bids for small purchases up to $100,000.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $25,000; $100,000

Citation 2:

SC SECTION 11-35-1550

Citation Language 2:

11-35-1550. Small purchase procedures; when competitive bidding required. (1) Authority. The following small purchase procedures may be utilized only in conducting procurements for governmental bodies that are up to the amounts specified herein, but not in excess of the authority granted pursuant to Section 11-35-1210. Procurement requirements must not be artificially divided by governmental bodies so as to constitute a small purchase pursuant to this section. (2) Competition and Price Reasonableness. (a) No Competition. Small purchases not exceeding ten thousand dollars may be accomplished without securing competitive quotations if the prices are considered reasonable. The purchasing office must annotate the purchase requisition: "Price is fair and reasonable" and sign. The purchases must be distributed equitably among qualified suppliers. When practical, a quotation must be solicited from other than the previous supplier before placing a repeat order. The administrative cost of verifying the reasonableness of the price of purchase "not in excess of" may more than offset potential savings in detecting instances of overpricing. Action to verify the reasonableness of the price need be taken only when the procurement officer of the governmental body suspects that the price may not be reasonable, comparison to previous price paid, or personal knowledge of the item involved. (b) Three Written Quotes. Written request for written quotes from a minimum of three qualified sources of supply may be made and, unless adequate public notice is provided in the South Carolina Business Opportunities, documentation of at least three bona fide, responsive, and responsible quotes must be attached to the purchase requisition for a small purchase not in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars, or for a small purchase of commercially available off-the-shelf products not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars, or for a small purchase of construction not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars. The award must be made to the lowest responsive and responsible sources. The request for quotes must include a purchase description. Requests must be distributed equitably among qualified supplies unless advertised as provided above. (c) Advertised Small Purchase. Written solicitation of written quotes, bids, or proposals may be made for a small purchase, other than a small purchase of construction, not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars. The procurement must be advertised at least once in the South Carolina Business Opportunities publication. A copy of the written solicitation and written quotes must be attached to the purchase requisition. The award must be made to the lowest responsive and responsible source or, when a request for proposal process is used, the highest ranking offeror.

South DakotaSouth Dakota


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



SD ST § 5-18A-11

Citation Language:

Purchases of supplies and services under fifty thousand dollars. Unless otherwise specified by statute, purchases of supplies and services under fifty thousand dollars must be made as follows: (1)    Notwithstanding other provisions of chapter [5-18A]( or [5-18D](, the Bureau of Administration may authorize state agencies and institutions to make purchases of supplies over four thousand dollars and under fifty thousand dollars by obtaining three quotes from different vendors. If three quotes cannot be obtained, the Bureau of Administration may approve the purchase if in the best interest of the state, require additional quotes to be obtained, or require the purchase be advertised for bids; (2)    State purchases of supplies under four thousand dollars may be made in accordance with procedures established by the purchasing agency in the best interests of the state; (3)    State purchases of services under fifty thousand dollars may be made in accordance with procedures established by the purchasing agency in the best interests of the state; and (4)    For all other purchasing agencies, purchases under fifty thousand dollars may be made in accordance with procedures established by the purchasing agency. No purchases may be artificially divided to constitute a small purchase under this section.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$4,000; $50,000

Citation 2:

SD ST § 5-18A-11

Citation Language 2:

Purchases of supplies and services under fifty thousand dollars. Unless otherwise specified by statute, purchases of supplies and services under fifty thousand dollars must be made as follows: (1)    Notwithstanding other provisions of chapter 5-18A or 5-18D, the Bureau of Administration may authorize state agencies and institutions to make purchases of supplies over four thousand dollars and under fifty thousand dollars by obtaining three quotes from different vendors. If three quotes cannot be obtained, the Bureau of Administration may approve the purchase if in the best interest of the state, require additional quotes to be obtained, or require the purchase be advertised for bids; (2)    State purchases of supplies under four thousand dollars may be made in accordance with procedures established by the purchasing agency in the best interests of the state; (3)    State purchases of services under fifty thousand dollars may be made in accordance with procedures established by the purchasing agency in the best interests of the state; and (4)    For all other purchasing agencies, purchases under fifty thousand dollars may be made in accordance with procedures established by the purchasing agency. No purchases may be artificially divided to constitute a small purchase under this section.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



CPO Policy # 2013-002 19.1

Citation Language:

Informal solicitations may be used for one time purchases or for contracts with a total

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

CPO Policy # 2013-002 19.1

Citation Language 2:

Informal solicitations may be used for one time purchases or for contracts with a total



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



Texas Procurement and Contract Management Guide Version 3.0 pg.33

Citation Language:

value not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or such amount approved by the

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $25,000

Citation 2:

34 TAC § 20.82.

Citation Language 2:

(a) General delegation. The purchase of the following goods and services is delegated to state agencies: (1) one-time purchases of goods, including goods for resale, the estimated cost of which does not exceed $50,000; (2) emergency purchases; (3) purchases of perishable goods; (4) purchases of services, including services for resale, the estimated cost of which does not exceed $100,000; (5) purchases of publications directly from the publisher; (6) fuel, oil, and grease purchases; (7) distributor purchases; and (8) professional memberships. (b) Provisions generally applicable to delegated purchases. (1) Competitive bidding is not required for purchases of $10,000 or less. (2) All required solicitations of informal bids must be directed to vendors which normally offer for sale the goods and services being purchased. (3) Items purchased under delegated authority may not include items available under a term or cooperative contract (unless purchased in quantities less than minimum ordering quantities of the contract) or any item required by law to be purchased from a particular source. (4) The state agency must solicit formal bids from all eligible vendors on the centralized master bidders list (CMBL) when making purchases in excess of $25,000. (5) The state agency must maintain documentation justifying a proprietary purchase in excess of $10,000. A solicitation for a proprietary purchase must indicate that it is proprietary and products or services other than those specified will not be considered. (6) An agency's cost estimate must be developed in good faith using a method that is reasonable under the circumstances.

Flag of the United States Virgin IslandsUS Virgin Islands


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



V.I. Code tit. 31, § 236 (a)

Citation Language:

(a) Except as provided for in section 239, all purchases of and contracts for supplies, materials, equipment, and contractual services and for all sales of obsolete and unusable personal property must be based on competitive bids, or competitive proposals.


* All solicitations must be competitive, but small purchasing procedures can be used below the designated thresholds.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$10,000; $50,000

Citation 2:

V.I. Code tit. 31, § 239 (a) (3) and (4)

Citation Language 2:

(3) the aggregate amount involved is $10,000 to $50,000; provided that: (A) an agency does not purchase the same supplies, materials, or equipment on a recurring basis or contract for the same services on a recurring basis from one person, firm, partnership, or corporation in a fiscal year; (B) only the head of the department or agency or semiautonomous agency or the certifying officer is authorized to certify expenditures between $10,000 and $50,000 for open market purchases and negotiated contracts for services made pursuant to this paragraph; and (C) at least three quotations must be obtained from the several vendors and the purchase must be made from the best value; (4) the aggregate amount involved is less than $10,000; provided that: (A) an agency does not purchase the same supplies, materials or equipment on a recurring basis or contract for the same service on a recurring basis from one person, firm, partnership or corporation in a fiscal year; (B) only the head of the department or agency is authorized to certify the expenditures; and (C) at least one quotation is obtained and the price is determined to be reasonable according to a survey of the market for the supplies, materials or equipment or professional service.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



UT ADC R131-4-409.(1)(a)

Citation Language:

Procurement Commission.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$200,000; $50,000

Citation 2:

UT ADC R131-4-409

Citation Language 2:

R131-4-409. Small Purchases. (1) Procurements of $200,000 or Less. (a) The executive director may make procurements estimated to cost $200,000 or less by soliciting at least two firms to submit written quotations. (b) The names of the persons submitting quotations and the date and amount of each quotation shall be recorded and maintained as a public record by the board. (c) If the executive director determines that other factors in addition to cost should be considered in the procurement, the executive director shall solicit proposals from at least two firms. The award shall be made to the firm offering the best proposal as determined through application of the procedures provided for in R131-4-408 except that a public notice is not required and only invited firms may submit proposals. (2) Procurements of $50,000 or Less. The executive director may make small purchases of $50,000 or less in any manner that he shall deem to be adequate and reasonable. (3) Division of Procurements. Procurements shall not be divided in order to qualify for the procedures outlined in this rule.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



Bulletin 3.5, VIII. Page 20

Citation Language:

B. Standard Bidding (“Requests for Proposals” or “RFP”) 1\. General: A standard RFP is required for all services which are anticipated to exceed a maximum Contract amount of $100,000. An RFP is also recommended for complex procurements, such as when the response requires the bidder to provide a solution or long term commitment.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

Bulletin 3.5, VIII. Pg 19

Citation Language 2:

A standard bidding process is always preferred. However, a “simplified bidding process” may be used when the anticipated Contract amount will not exceed $100,000. A simplified bidding process requires an Agency to develop a Statement of Work that identifies work to be performed, specific need(s) to be addressed and/or product(s) to be delivered (subject to BGS’s exclusive authority over commodities purchases), and that solicits price quotations from at least three potential Vendors known to provide the specified services or products. However, the Simplified Bid process does not require a public bid posting nor a public bid opening.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:

$200,000 for goods and services; $25,000 for transportation construction; $80,000 for professional services


VA ST § 2.2-4303 G

Citation Language:

G. A public body may establish purchase procedures, if adopted in writing, not requiring competitive sealed bids or competitive negotiation for single or term contracts for: 1\. Goods and services other than professional services and non-transportation-related construction, if the aggregate or the sum of all phases is not expected to exceed $200,000; and 2\. Transportation-related construction, if the aggregate or sum of all phases is not expected to exceed $25,000. However, such small purchase procedures shall provide for competition wherever practicable. Such purchase procedures may allow for single or term contracts for professional services without requiring competitive negotiation, provided the aggregate or the sum of all phases is not expected to exceed $80,000.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$200,000 for goods and services; $25,000 for transportation construction; $80,000 for professional services

Citation 2:

VA ST § 2.2-4303 G

Citation Language 2:

G. A public body may establish purchase procedures, if adopted in writing, not requiring competitive sealed bids or competitive negotiation for single or term contracts for: 1. Goods and services other than professional services and non-transportation-related construction, if the aggregate or the sum of all phases is not expected to exceed $200,000; and 2. Transportation-related construction, if the aggregate or sum of all phases is not expected to exceed $25,000. However, such small purchase procedures shall provide for competition wherever practicable. Such purchase procedures may allow for single or term contracts for professional services without requiring competitive negotiation, provided the aggregate or the sum of all phases is not expected to exceed $80,000.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



WA ST 43.52.560

Citation Language:

Except as provided otherwise in this chapter, a joint operating agency shall purchase any item or items of materials, equipment, or supplies, the estimated cost of which is more than fifteen thousand dollars exclusive of sales tax, or order work for construction of generating projects and associated facilities, the estimated cost of which is more than twenty-five thousand dollars exclusive of sales tax, by contract in accordance with RCW 54.04.070 and 54.04.080, which require sealed bids for contracts.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$5,000; $75,000

Citation 2:

RCW 43.52.570

Citation Language 2:

For the awarding of a contract to purchase any item or items of materials, equipment, or supplies in an amount exceeding five thousand dollars but less than seventy-five thousand dollars, exclusive of sales tax, the managing director or a designee may, in lieu of sealed bids, secure telephone and/or written quotations from at least five vendors, where practical, and award contracts for purchase of materials, equipment, or supplies to the lowest responsible bidder. The agency shall establish a procurement roster, which shall consist of suppliers and manufacturers who may supply materials or equipment to the operating agency, and shall provide for solicitations which will equitably distribute opportunity for bids among suppliers and manufacturers on the roster. Immediately after the award is made, the bid quotations obtained shall be recorded and shall be posted or otherwise made available for public inspection and copying pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW at the office of the operating agency or any other officially designated location. Waiver of the deposit or bid bond required for sealed bids may be authorized by the operating agency in securing the bid quotations.

West VirginiaWest Virginia


Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



WV ST § 5A-3-10

Citation Language:

(b) The director shall solicit, on behalf of spending units, sealed bids for the purchase of commodities and printing which is estimated to exceed $25,000.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$2,500; $25,000

Citation 2:

WV ST § 5A-3-11

Citation Language 2:

(a) The director may make a purchase of commodities, printing and services of $25,000 or less in amount in the open market, but the purchase shall, wherever possible, be based on at least three competitive bids, and shall include the cost of maintenance and expected life of the commodities if the director determines there are nationally accepted industry standards for the commodities being purchased. (b) The director may authorize spending units to purchase commodities, printing and services in the amount of $2,500 or less in the open market without competitive bids: Provided, That the cost of maintenance and expected life of the commodities must be taken into consideration if the director determines there are nationally accepted industry standards for the commodities being purchased: Provided, however, That the director may authorize spending units to purchase commodities, printing, and services in an amount greater than $2,500 in the open market without competitive bids, subject to the limitations set forth in §5A-3-10(b) of this Code.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



WI ST 16.75 (1)(b)

Citation Language:

**(b)** **1.** Except as provided in subd. [2.](, when the estimated cost exceeds $50,000, the department shall solicit bids. **2.** If the item being purchased is a sign, bids shall be solicited unless the estimated cost does not exceed $3,500. **3.** If subd. [1.]( or [2.]( requires bids to be solicited, the department either shall solicit sealed bids to be opened publicly at a specified date and time, or shall solicit bidding by auction to be conducted electronically at a specified date and time. Whenever bids are invited, due notice inviting bids shall be published as a class 2 notice, under ch. [985]( or posted on the Internet at a site determined or approved by the department. The bid opening or auction shall occur at least 7 days after the date of the last insertion of the notice or at least 7 days after the date of posting on the Internet. The notice shall specify whether sealed bids are invited or bids will be accepted by auction, and shall give a clear description of the materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual services to be purchased, the amount of any bond, share draft, check, or other draft to be submitted as surety with the bid or prior to the auction, and the date and time that the public opening or the auction will be held. **(c)** Except as provided in par. [(b) 2.]( and sub. [(7)](, when the estimated cost is $25,000 or less, the award may be made in accordance with simplified procedures established by the department for such transactions.

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:


Citation 2:

WI ST 16.75 (1)(c)

Citation Language 2:

(c) Except as provided in par. (b) 2. and sub. (7), when the estimated cost is $25,000 or less, the award may be made in accordance with simplified procedures established by the department for such transactions.



Competitive Thresholds

Formal/Competitive Sealed Bidding:



WY ST § 9-2-3204

Citation Language:

(A) Bids or contracts for supplies or services in excess of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) shall be made by competitive sealed bidding when the configuration or performance specifications, or both, are sufficiently designed to permit award on the basis of the lowest evaluated price as determined in accordance with objective, measurable criteria set forth in the invitation for bids, and when available sources, the time and place of performance, and other conditions are appropriate for the use of competitive sealed bidding;

Small Purchases/Informal Purchasing:

$2,500; $15,000

Citation 2:

 WY Stat § 9-2-3204 (b)(iv)(E) 

Citation Language 2:

(E) Agencies shall be authorized to make small purchases in accordance with rules adopted by the department. The rules shall include small purchase procedures which authorize agencies to procure supplies not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), or such higher amount established by the department, but not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00), without compliance with this paragraph and without prior approval of the department;

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