Central Procurement Office
Code of Alabama 1975, §41- 4-110-115, as amended
The Division of Purchasing, Department of Finance is established by statute (Code of Alabama 1975, §41-4-110-115, as amended) and is under the direction of the State Purchasing Agent (State Purchasing Director). The Division purchases all personal property and nonprofessional services, except alcoholic beverages, for all State departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, offices and institutions. The Division is also responsible for making and supervising the execution of all contracts and leases for the use and acquisition of any personal property and nonprofessional services. Education and eleemosynary institutions, State Port Authority, Department of Mental Health and the purchase of alcoholic beverages are exempt from the authority of the Division of Purchasing (Code of Alabama 1975, §41-16-21(b)) as amended.
Purchases of goods and services are governed by two sets of laws: The Public Works Law and the Competitive Bid Law.
Central Procurement Office
AS 36.30.005 (a), AS 36.30.010 (a), AS 36.30.015 (b)
AS 36.30.005 (a)Except as otherwise provided, all rights, powers, duties, and authority relating to the procurement of supplies, services, and professional services, and the control over supplies, services, and professional services vested in or exercised by an agency on January 1, 1988, are transferred to the commissioner of administration and to the chief procurement officer. Authority granted under this subsection shall be exercised in accordance with this chapter. AS 36.30.010 (a) The commissioner shall appoint to the partially exempt service the chief procurement officer of the state. The chief procurement officer must have at least five years of prior experience in public procurement, including large scale procurement of supplies, services, or professional services, and must be a person with demonstrated executive and organizational ability. The chief procurement officer may be removed by the commissioner only for cause. The term of office of the chief procurement officer is six years. AS 36.30.015 (b) The commissioner of administration may delegate to an agency the authority to contract for and manage services, professional services, and supplies. Notwithstanding delegation of authority under this subsection, an agency's exercise of the authority is governed by this chapter and regulations adopted by the commissioner under this chapter. Before delegating authority to an agency under this subsection, the commissioner shall make a written determination that the agency is capable of implementing the delegated authority.
Central Procurement Office
A.A.C. R2-7-501
A. The agency chief procurement officer shall procure specified professional services as defined in A.R.S. § 41-2578, 41-2579, and 41-2581 in the following manner: 1. Through existing state contracts if available; 2. In accordance with A.R.S. § 41-2535 and Part D of Article 3 of this Chapter or A.R.S § 41-2533 procurements not to exceed the amount prescribed in A.R.S. § 41-2535; 3. May procure services in accordance with A.R.S. §§ 41-2536, 41-2537, or 41-2581. B. Unless an alternate project delivery method is used as permitted under R2-7-503, the agency chief procurement officer shall procure construction in the following manner: 1. Through existing state contracts if available; 2. In accordance with A.R.S. § 41-2535 and Part D of Article 3 of this Chapter or A.R.S. § 41-2533 for single award procurements not to exceed the amount prescribed in A.R.S. §§ 41-2535 or 41-2579 for multiple award procurements; 3. In accordance with A.R.S. § 41-2533 for procurements estimated to exceed the amount prescribed in A.R.S. § 41-2535; or 4. May procure construction in accordance with A.R.S. §§ 41-2536 or 41-2581. C. The agency chief procurement officer shall procure construction through an alternate project delivery method in the following manner: 1. Through existing state contracts if available; 2. In accordance with A.R.S. § 41-2535 and Part D of Article 3 of this Chapter or A.R.S. § 41-2578 for procurements not estimated to exceed the amount prescribed in A.R.S. § 41-2535; 3. May procure construction in accordance with A.R.S. §§ 41-2536, 41-2537, or 41-2581.
Partial Delegation to Agencies
(c) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this subchapter, the director, within the limitations of this subchapter and the rules promulgated under authority of this subchapter: (1) Shall procure or supervise the procurement of all commodities and services for each state agency not having an agency procurement official and, when requested to do so by such an official, procure commodities and services not otherwise under state contract; (2) [Repealed.] (3) Shall manage and establish internal procedures for the office; (4) Shall sell, trade, or otherwise dispose of surplus commodities belonging to the state; (5) May establish and maintain programs for the inspection, testing, and acceptance of commodities and services; (6) Shall establish and manage a list of vendors desiring written notice of invitations for bid; (7) May establish, by rule, a fee for receiving a written or electronic notice of invitations for bid; (8) Shall ensure compliance with this subchapter and implementing rules by reviewing and monitoring procurements conducted by any designee, department, agency, or official delegated authority under this subchapter; (9) Shall create a roster of expiring contracts entered into by a state agency for which there is no new requisition; (10) Shall analyze information captured in state systems to measure and track the contract routing process to identify stakeholders that may be contributing to the elongation of the contracting process; (11) Shall ensure that vendor performance reports are available to and searchable by state agencies; (12) Shall provide for enhanced training on the drafting of specifications for procurements; (13) Shall maintain records of bids and proposals that are rejected by the office for failure to adhere to the mandatory requirements of a solicitation; (14) Upon the written request of a state agency or an actual or prospective bidder, offeror, or contractor, may declare his or her administrative interpretation of any provision of this subchapter and issue an advisory opinion regarding the construction and application of the provision; and (15) May negotiate and enter into a nonmandatory state contract with retailers for special prices or rates for commodities or services, or both, for the benefit of public procurement entities, independent of the source selection methods in §§ 19-11-228 and 19-11-229, if the contractor agrees to provide the commodities or services, or both, subject to the contract at either the standard retail price or a discounted price.
Partial Delegation to Agencies
CA PUB CONT § 10333
(a) The department shall delegate purchasing authority, as specified in Section 10332, to any state agency that does all of the following: (1) Designates an agency officer as responsible and directly accountable for the agency's purchasing program. (2) Establishes written policies and procedures, including procedures for ensuring and documenting competitive purchasing, complying with purchasing standards established pursuant to Section 10307, inspecting acquired products for compliance with specifications, reporting contractor failures to deliver products as specified in contracts, ensuring that agency contracting personnel are free from conflict of interest, and complying with other provisions of law as the department may require. (3) Establishes procedures for complying with the provisions of the Small Business Procurement and Contract Act. The procedures shall include procedures for meeting the goals for the extent of participation of small businesses in state contracting as established by the department pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 14838 of the Government Code. (4) Establishes policies for training personnel in purchasing law and procedures, controlling and reviewing purchasing practices, auditing purchasing activities, and delegating purchasing authority within the agency. (5) Reports the data to the office that the department may require. (b) The department shall conduct an audit of each state agency to which purchasing authority has been delegated at least once in each three-year period. The authority to acquire goods may be withdrawn by the department at any time that the department finds that the state agency to which authority has been delegated is not in compliance with the requirements of this section.
Central Procurement Office
CO ST § 24-102-302
(1) Capital construction and controlled maintenance, as defined and delegated to a procurement official by part 13 of article 30 of this title 24, shall be procured by such procurement official as the appropriate purchasing agency. (2) If the executive director or his or her designee is of the opinion and so certifies in writing that the needs of any governmental body are of such specialized nature and sufficient volume to warrant a purchasing agency for such governmental body, he or she shall authorize the creation of the same. All such purchasing agencies shall operate under the provisions of this code and the rules promulgated pursuant thereto and shall be subject to the supervision and control of the executive director. All such purchasing agencies shall operate under the provisions of section 17-24-111 requiring the purchase of goods and services from the division of correctional industries, and failure of any such purchasing agency to comply with such requirement shall be cause for the executive director to suspend for a period of up to one year at the discretion of the executive director the authority of a purchasing agency created pursuant to this subsection (2) to purchase goods and services. The authority of a purchasing agency to purchase goods and services may also be suspended at the discretion of the executive director. The financial and staff resources dedicated to the purchasing function in the affected agency shall be under the authority of the department of personnel during the period of suspension, and purchases made for the affected agency shall be in accordance with the requirements of section 17-24-111(1). (3) The procurement officials responsible for procuring the supplies, services, or construction delegated to them by subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall conduct procurements in accordance with the provisions of this code and its implementing rules. The executive director may establish a standard supplier's form and a standard set of procedures that each purchasing agency shall use in accepting the form and evaluating the supplier.
Central Procurement Office
CT ST § 4e-4
Except as otherwise provided in the general statutes, the board shall have the following authority and responsibilities with respect to procurements by state contracting agencies: ...
Central Procurement Office
DE ST TI 29 § 6911
<See Declaration of a State of Emergency due to a Public Health Threat (2019 DE C20-0A) and Modifications issued subsequent thereto for suspension or modification of this section related to COVID-19. For further information, see Historical and Statutory Notes.> (a) The Section shall act as the exclusive contracting agent for all purchases of materiel and nonprofessional services not subject to the small purchasing procedures made by contracting agencies and as outlined in this subchapter and made by 2 or more covered agencies except for lodging and interstate and international travel and except as provided for in subsection (d) of this section. (b) The Section shall have the following responsibilities for central contracts: (1) Assembling the bid specification package; (2) Conducting the advertising, bidding and awarding of each contract; (3) Resolving disagreements between vendors and agencies; and (4) Assuring that vendors and products meet the requirements of awarded contracts. (c) Each agency that participates in a central contract shall have the following responsibilities for the materiel or service purchased under that contract: (1) Providing and approving commodity specifications; (2) Participating in user groups by requiring that appropriate covered agency staff attend user group meetings, as described in § 6912 of this title; and (3) Providing information concerning contract effectiveness to the Section. (d) Covered agencies shall exclusively use central contracts. A covered agency head may exempt the agency from a central contract only when all of the following conditions are met by the covered agency head: (1) Demonstration that participation in a central contract would negatively impact the operations of the covered agency. However, operations, as used in this subsection, shall not include the fiscal impact to the covered agency; (2) Demonstration that the covered agency has attempted to negotiate the specifications with the Section prior to the covered agency head exempting the materiel or service; and (3) Demonstration that the exemption is an exception to the covered agency's use of a central contract rather than a common practice. Any exemption issued by an agency head under this subsection shall not be a blanket exemption but shall only apply to an individual central contract. (e) The Administrator of the Section may waive the requirement that a covered agency use a state contract in the event the Administrator deems such a waiver is in the best interest of the State.
Partial Delegation to Agencies
DC CODE § 2-352.01
(a)(1) There is established as an independent agency the Office of Contracting and Procurement, which shall be administered by the Chief Procurement Officer. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, OCP, through the CPO, shall have the exclusive authority to administer the provisions of this chapter. (2) Repealed. (3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, until October 1, 2015, the following agencies, through their chief procurement officers, shall exercise the duties of the CPO for their respective agencies: (A) The Department of Disability Services; and (B) The Department of Behavioral Health, if a court order no longer requires the agency to be exempt from the CPO's authority. (4) The CPO may delegate contracting authority to employees of an agency, including OCP, or another instrumentality. (5) Agencies and instrumentalities subject to this chapter shall determine their requirements for goods and services and administering awarded contracts. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, the following agencies shall not be subject to the authority of the CPO, but shall conduct procurements in accordance with the provisions of this chapter: (1) The Office of the Chief Financial Officer; (1A) The Tax Revision Commission, pursuant to § 2-354.07; (1B) The Office of the Attorney General; (2) The University of the District of Columbia; (3) The District of Columbia Housing Authority; (4) The District of Columbia Public Library; (5) The District of Columbia Public Schools; (6) The Child and Family Services Agency, until such time as a court order no longer requires the agency to be exempt from the CPO's authority; (7) Repealed. (8) The Public Service Commission; (9) The Office of the People's Counsel; (10) The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council; (11) The Department of General Services; and (12) The Criminal Code Reform Commission. (c) The Office of the Attorney General and the Inspector General may contract for the services of accountants, lawyers, and other experts when they determine and state in writing that good reason exists why the services should be procured independently of the Chief Procurement Officer. (d) Except regarding agencies exempted in § 2-351.05(c) and subsection (b) of this section and roads, bridges, other transportation systems, and facilities and structures appurtenant to roads, bridges, and other transportation systems, the Department of General Services shall have procurement authority for: (1) Construction and related services under subchapter VI of this chapter; and (2) Facilities maintenance and operation services, real estate asset management services, utility contracts, and security services, as set forth in § 10-551.02(5). (e) Except as otherwise provided in § 2-351.05(b), the CPO may review and monitor procurements, including for construction and related services under subchapter VI of this chapter, by any agency, instrumentality, employee, or official exempt under this chapter or authorized to procure independently of OCP. (f) The CPO may conduct procurements and award contracts on behalf of any agency exempt under this chapter or authorized to procure independently of OCP, when requested by the agency to do so. In conducting procurements or awarding contracts, the CPO shall comply with the requirements of this chapter, except as provided in § 2-272.01(e).
Central Procurement Office
FL ST § 287.057
(1) The competitive solicitation processes authorized in this section shall be used for procurement of commodities or contractual services in excess of the threshold amount provided for CATEGORY TWO in s. 287.017. Any competitive solicitation shall be made available simultaneously to all vendors, must include the time and date for the receipt of bids, proposals, or replies and of the public opening, and must include all contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement, including the criteria to be used in determining acceptability and relative merit of the bid, proposal, or reply...
Central Procurement Office
GA ST § 50-5-57
The Department of Administrative Services shall have the power and authority and it shall be the department's duty, subject to this part, to contract for the purchase, lease, or other mode of acquisition of all supplies, materials, services other than professional and personal employment services, and equipment required by the state. After sources of supply have been established by contract under competitive bidding and certified by the Department of Administrative Services to the different departments, institutions, and agencies of the state as provided for in this part, the institutions, agencies, or departments of the state shall make requisition on blanks to be approved by the Department of Administrative Services for such supplies, materials, and equipment required by them from the supply so certified and, except as otherwise provided for or unless the departments, institutions, and agencies of the state obtain written authority from the Department of Administrative Services to do so, it shall be unlawful for any of them to purchase any supplies, materials, or equipment from sources other than as certified to them by the Department of Administrative Services. One copy of the requisition shall be sent to the Department of Administrative Services when the same is issued.
Central Procurement Office
GCA 5-2-B-§5113
(a) Principal Contracting Officers of Guam. The Chief Procurement Officer of the General Services Agency, shall serve as the central procurement officer of Guam with respect to supplies and services. The Director of Public Works shall serve as the central procurement officer of Guam with respect to construction. (b) Power to Adopt Operational Procedures. Consistent with the provisions of this Chapter, the Chief Procurement Officer and the Director of Public Works may adopt operational procedures governing the internal functions of their procurement operations. (c) Duties. (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Chapter, the Chief Procurement Officer shall, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Policy Office: (A) procure or supervise the procurement of all supplies and services needed by Guam; (B) exercise general supervision and control over all inventories of supplies belonging to Guam; and (C) establish and maintain programs for the inspection, testing and acceptance of supplies and services. (2) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Chapter, the Director of Public Works shall, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Policy Office: (A) procure or supervise the procurement of all construction needed by Guam; and (B) establish and maintain programs for the inspection, testing and acceptance of construction.
Total Delegation to Agencies
HI ST § 103D-209
Except as provided in section 28-8.3 with respect to agencies of the State of Hawaii, any governmental body of this State may act as a purchasing agency and contract on its own behalf for professional services subject to this chapter and rules adopted by the policy board. The purchasing agency may consult with the chief procurement officer or the officer's designee when procuring these services.
Central Procurement Office
ID ST § 67-9204
(1) There is hereby created within the department of administration the division of purchasing. The director shall appoint an administrator for the division, subject to the approval of the governor. (2) The administrator shall be exempt from the provisions of the state merit system. (3) The administrator may employ additional personnel as may be necessary. (4) The administrator may enter into contracts for professional services or assistance when necessary or desirable.
Central Procurement Office
IL ST CH 30 § 500/25-10
§ 25-10. Authority. State purchasing officers shall have the authority to procure supplies and services, except as that authority may be limited by the chief procurement officer.
Central Procurement Office
IN ST 5-22-6-2
Sec. 2. (a) A governmental body may adopt rules governing the purchase of services for the governmental body. (b) The purchasing agency of a governmental body may establish policies regarding the purchase of services for the governmental body.
Central Procurement Office
IA ST § 8A.311
The director shall adopt rules establishing competitive bidding procedures. 1. a. All equipment, supplies, or services procured by the department shall be purchased by a competitive bidding procedure as established by rule. However, the director may exempt by rule purchases of noncompetitive items and purchases in lots or quantities too small to be effectively purchased by competitive bidding. Preference shall be given to purchasing Iowa products and purchases from Iowa-based businesses if the Iowa-based business bids submitted are comparable in price to bids submitted by out-of-state businesses and otherwise meet the required specifications. If the laws of another state mandate a percentage preference for businesses or products from that state and the effect of the preference is that bids of Iowa businesses or products that are otherwise low and responsive are not selected in the other state, the same percentage preference shall be applied to Iowa businesses and products when businesses or products from that other state are bid to supply Iowa requirements. b. The department and each state agency shall provide notice in an electronic format available to the public of every competitive bidding opportunity offered by the department or the state agency as provided in section 73.2, subsection 2. The department may establish by rule requirements relating to such notice. A competitive bidding opportunity that is not preceded by a notice that satisfies the requirements of this paragraph is void and shall be rebid. A request for proposals for architectural or engineering services may be posted electronically by a department or state agency....
Central Procurement Office
75-3738. Powers and duties of the director of purchases. The director of purchases shall: (a) Purchase, rent or otherwise provide for the furnishing of supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services for all state agencies. (b) Have power to authorize any state agency to purchase directly certain specified supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services under prescribed conditions and procedures. (c) Prescribe the manner in which supplies, materials and equipment shall be purchased, delivered and distributed. (d) Prescribe the time, manner and authentication of making requisitions for supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services. (e) Establish standards of quality and quantity and develop standard specifications in consultation with the several state agencies. (f) Prescribe the manner of making chemical and physical tests of samples submitted with bids and samples of deliveries to determine compliance with specifications and the manner in which state agencies shall inspect all deliveries of supplies, materials and equipment. (g) Prescribe the amounts and form of, accounting for and disposition of any deposit or bond required to be submitted with a bid or a contract and the amount of any such deposit or bond to be given for the faithful performance of a contract.
Central Procurement Office
KY ST § 45A.045
(1) The Finance and Administration Cabinet shall serve as the central procurement and contracting agency of the Commonwealth. (a) The cabinet shall require all agencies to furnish an estimate of specific needs for supplies, materials, and equipment to be purchased by competitive bidding for the purpose of permitting scheduling of purchasing in large volume. The cabinet shall establish and enforce schedules for purchasing supplies, materials, and equipment. In addition, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year all agencies shall submit to the Finance and Administration Cabinet an estimate of all needs for supplies, materials, and equipment during that year which will have to be required through competitive bidding....
Central Procurement Office
LA R.S. 39:1554
A. General application. This Chapter applies only to contracts solicited or entered into after the effective date of this Chapter unless the parties agree to its application to a contract entered into prior to the effective date. B. Application to state procurement. Unless otherwise exempted or excluded in this Section, this Chapter shall apply to every expenditure of public funds irrespective of their source, including federal assistance monies except as otherwise specified in Subsection F of this Section, by this state, acting through a governmental body defined herein, under any contract for supplies, services, major repairs, or personal, professional, consulting, or social services, defined herein, except that this Chapter shall not apply to either grants or contracts between the state and its political subdivisions or other governments, except as provided in Part VII of this Chapter, Intergovernmental Relations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, the provisions of R.S. 38:2181 through 2318 shall govern the procurement of construction and the selection of architects, engineers, and landscape architects by governmental bodies of this state, and R.S. 38:2181 through 2318 shall not apply to any procurement of supplies, services, or major repairs by the state. C. Procurement by the governor. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Chapter, the governor shall procure all materials, supplies, equipment, and contractual services required for the governor's mansion, the cafeteria operated in the state capitol, and similar agencies. The procurement shall, insofar as practicable, be in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. D. Exclusions....
Central Procurement Office
ME ST T. 5 § 1812
The terms “services,” “supplies,” “materials” and “equipment” as used in this chapter mean any and all services, articles or things that are used by or furnished to the State or any department or agency thereof, and any and all printing, binding, publication of laws, journals and reports. Except as provided in chapters 141 to 155,1 any and all services, supplies, materials and equipment needed by one or more departments or agencies of the State Government must be directly purchased or contracted for by the Director of the Bureau of General Services, as may be determined from time to time by rules adopted pursuant to chapters 141 to 155, which rules the Department of Administrative and Financial Services is authorized and empowered to make. It is the intent and purpose of this chapter that the Director of the Bureau of General Services purchase collectively all services, supplies, materials and equipment for the State or any department or agency thereof in a manner that will best secure the greatest possible economy consistent with the grade or quality of the services, supplies, materials and equipment best adapted for the purposes for which they are needed. Whenever supplies and materials are available for purchase that are composed in whole or in part of recycled materials and are shown by the seller, supplier or manufacturer to be equal in quality and are competitively priced, except for paper and paper products, the Director of the Bureau of General Services shall purchase such recycled supplies and materials....
Partial Delegation to Agencies
MD STATE FIN & PROC § 12-107
(a) This section does not apply to capital expenditures by the Department of Transportation or the Maryland Transportation Authority, in connection with State roads, bridges, or highways, as provided in § 12-202 of this title. In general (b) Subject to the authority of the Board, jurisdiction over procurement is as follows: (1) the State Treasurer may engage in or control procurement of banking and financial services, insurance, and insurance services, as provided in Division I of this article and Article VI, § 3 of the Maryland Constitution; (2) the Department of General Services may:...
Central Procurement Office
MA ST 30B § 1
(a) This chapter shall apply to every contract for the procurement of supplies, services or real property and for disposing of supplies or real property by a governmental body as defined herein. (b) This chapter shall not apply to:...
Central Procurement Office
Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 18.1261
Sec. 261. (1) The department shall provide for the purchase of, the contracting for, and the providing of supplies, materials, services, insurance, utilities, third party financing, equipment, printing, and all other items as needed by state agencies for which the legislature has not otherwise expressly provided. If consistent with federal statutes, in all purchases made by the department, all other things being equal, preference shall be given to products manufactured or services offered by Michigan-based firms or by facilities with respect to which the operator is designated as a clean corporate citizen under part 14 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.1401 to 324.1429, or ...
Central Procurement Office
MN ST § 16C.03
Subdivision 1. Renumbered § 16C.001 in St.2014. Subd. 2. Rulemaking authority. (a) Subject to chapter 14, the commissioner may adopt rules, consistent with this chapter and chapter 16B, relating to the following topics: (1) procurement process including solicitations and responses to solicitations, bid security, vendor errors, opening of responses, award of contracts, tied bids, and award protest process; (2) contract performance and failure to perform; (3) authority to debar or suspend vendors, and reinstatement of vendors; (4) contract cancellation; (5) procurement from rehabilitation facilities; (6) organizational conflicts of interest; and (7) surplus property acquisition, distribution, and disposal. (b) Minnesota Rules, parts 1230.0100 to 1230.4300, adopted under chapter 16B, govern under this chapter until amended, repealed, or superseded by rules adopted under chapter 16B or this chapter. In the event rules adopted under chapter 16B conflict with provisions of this chapter, this chapter governs. Subd. 3. Acquisition authority. The commissioner shall acquire all goods, general services, building construction, and utilities needed by agencies. The commissioner shall make all decisions regarding acquisition activities. The commissioner shall conduct all contracting by, for, and between agencies and perform all contract management and review functions for contracts, except those functions specifically delegated to be performed by the contracting agency, the attorney general, or as otherwise provided for by law....
Central Procurement Office
MS ST § 31-7-13
All agencies and governing authorities shall purchase their commodities and printing; contract for garbage collection or disposal; contract for solid waste collection or disposal; contract for sewage collection or disposal; contract for public construction; and contract for rentals as herein provided....
Central Procurement Office
MO ST 34.100
The commissioner of administration may, when in the commissioner's best judgment it is in the best interests of the state, delegate the commissioner's procurement authority pursuant to this chapter to an individual department; provided, however, that each instance of single feasible source purchasing authority in excess of five thousand dollars under section 34.044 must be specifically delegated by the commissioner. The delegation may allow departments to negotiate in accordance with section 34.042 the purchase of services for patients, residents or clients with funds appropriated for this purpose. In accepting this delegated authority the department acknowledges its ability to, and agrees to, fulfill all of the requirements of this chapter in making purchases and entering into contracts and keeping records. No claim for payment based upon any purchase under this section shall be certified by the commissioner unless accompanied by such documentation of compliance with the provisions of this chapter as the commissioner may require. Any department that fails to fulfill all such requirements may have its delegated authority rescinded by the commissioner of administration.
Central Procurement Office
MT ST 18-4-221
18-4-221. General procurement authority and duties of department -- rules. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the department shall adopt rules, consistent with this chapter, governing the procurement and disposal of any and all supplies and services to be procured by the state. The department shall consider and decide matters of policy within the provisions of this chapter. The department may audit and monitor the implementation of its rules and the requirements of this chapter. (2) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, the department shall, in accordance with its rules: (a) procure or supervise the procurement of all supplies and services needed by the state; and (b) sell, trade, or otherwise dispose of surplus supplies belonging to the state. (3) Nothing contained herein shall preclude the state from doing its own printing on its own printing facilities.
Central Procurement Office
9 NE ADC Ch. 2, § 001
The State Purchasing Bureau shall determine the method of procurement to be utilized in the acquisition of any needed goods or services. Methods utilized include: 001.01 Competitive Formal Sealed Bids - price quotations are secured from vendors by means of a “Quotation Request” form. A minimum of fifteen days shall elapse between the time formal sealed bids are advertised or called for and the time of their opening. Bids shall be opened publicly at the time and date specified in the Quotation Request. Award shall be made to the lowest responsible bidder. 001.02 Informal Competitive Bids - price quotations are secured and documented in a manner determined to be the most appropriate for the goods or services involved. Award shall be made to the lowest responsible bidder; 001.03 Contract Procurements - the State Purchasing Bureau may enter into contract purchase agreements for certain items, groups of items or services when continuous procurement is anticipated as opposed to one-time procurements. Formal competitive bidding procedures may be utilized with award being made to the lowest responsible bidder; and 001.04 Direct Purchases - the State Purchasing Bureau may authorize an agency to purchase directly from a vendor as opposed to utilizing the services of State Purchasing. It may be determined that due to the nature of the items needed, the quantity desired, the anticipated price involved, the location of the requesting agency, time limitations or other circumstances the interests of the State will best be served by permitting direct purchase. For miscellaneous needs under $35.00, approval by State Purchasing shall not be required.
Central Procurement Office
NV ST 333.450
1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 227.185, claims for supplies, materials, equipment and services purchased pursuant to the provisions of this chapter must, when approved by the Administrator, be paid in the same manner as other claims against the State are required to be paid. 2. The Administrator shall annually assess each using agency a fee for the procurement and inventory services provided by the Purchasing Division to the using agency. The fee must be based on the using agency's use of the procurement and inventory services of the Purchasing Division during preceding years. The Administrator shall adjust the formula for calculating the fee each biennium. 3. If an agency is not a using agency, the Administrator shall assess a fee of not more than the cost to the Purchasing Division to process the order for the agency. 4. If the Purchasing Division has obtained supplies, materials, equipment or services pursuant to a single contract or order from a vendor on behalf of two or more using agencies or governmental entities which have obtained supplies, materials, equipment or services on a voluntary basis from the Purchasing Division pursuant to NRS 333.469 or 333.470, or any combination thereof, the Administrator may assess and collect from the vendor an administrative fee in an amount not to exceed 4 percent of the total cost of the supplies, materials, equipment or services. 5. The administrative fee collected pursuant to subsection 4 may be used by the Administrator to offset the operating expenses of the Purchasing Division, including, without limitation, the implementation and maintenance of a system of on-line bidding or a computer system for the management and reporting of the procurement process. 6. The Administrator may adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of this section. 7. As used in this section, “on-line bidding” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 333.313.
Partial Delegation to Agencies
NH ST § 21-I:18
I. To the extent indicated in this section, the following agencies and purchases are exempted from the provisions of this chapter. All exempt purchases shall be made in accordance with the existing laws governing such purchases: (a) The university system of New Hampshire shall not be required to make any purchases through the director of procurement and support services, unless it wishes to do so. If it does, the director shall be required to follow the provisions of this chapter. The university system shall make purchases under competitive bidding requirements except when waived by the chancellor of the university system or his authorized agent upon written justification. (b) The liquor commission is exempted from the provisions of this chapter, provided that the liquor commission uses competitive bidding when acquiring supplies as defined in RSA 21-I:11; II...
Central Procurement Office
NJ ADC 17:12-1.1(a)
a) The Division of Purchase and Property (Division), in and of the New Jersey Department of the Treasury, provides centralized procurement and related services to agencies of the Executive Branch of State government. Within its statutory framework, the primary mission of the Division is to procure, in a timely and effective manner, contracts for the goods and services necessary for the daily operation of State government. The Division includes the Procurement Bureau, the Contract Compliance and Audit Unit, and the Distribution and Support Services Unit. This chapter sets forth the rules that apply to the Division, State agencies and other public entities, and vendors participating in the State's procurement and contracting processes.
Central Procurement Office
NM ST § 13-1-97
A. All procurement for state agencies shall be performed by the state purchasing agent except as otherwise provided in the Procurement Code. B. All procurement for state agencies excluded from the requirement of procurement through the office of the state purchasing agent shall be performed by a central purchasing office, the chief procurement officer or as otherwise provided in the Procurement Code. C. All procurement for local public bodies shall be performed by a central purchasing office designated by the governing authority of the local public body except as otherwise provided in the Procurement Code. Local public bodies shall identify their designated central purchasing office to the state purchasing agent and shall report their chief procurement officers to the state purchasing agent.
Central Procurement Office
3. General provisions for purchasing commodities. a. State agency procurement practices for commodities shall incorporate the following: (i) The purchase of commodities by state agencies including the office of general services shall be conducted in a manner which accords first priority to preferred sources in accordance with the provisions of this article, second priority to centralized contracts, third priority to agency or multi-agency established contracts and fourth priority to other means of contracting. (ii) Commodities contracts shall be awarded on the basis of lowest price to a responsive and responsible offerer; or, in the case of multiple awards, in accordance with paragraph c of subdivision ten of this section. (iii) The commissioner shall be responsible for the standardization and centralized purchase of commodities required by state agencies in a manner which maximizes the purchasing value of public funds. (iv) The commissioner is authorized to permit purchases of commodities and services for authorized users through the office of general services' centralized contracts. Such authorized users so empowered shall accept sole responsibility for any payment due with respect to such purchases. (v) Consistent with guidelines issued by the state procurement council, state agencies may competitively purchase commodities procured in accordance with this article in lieu of using centralized contracts when the resultant price is less than the centralized contract price.
Central Procurement Office
NC ST § 143-51
(a) It shall be the duty of all departments, institutions, or agencies of the State government to furnish to the Secretary of Administration when requested, and on forms to be prescribed by him, estimates of all goods and services needed and required by such department, institution or agency for such periods in advance as may be designated by the Secretary of Administration. (b) In addition to the report required by subsection (a) of this section, all departments, institutions, or agencies of the State government shall furnish to the Secretary of Administration when requested, and on forms to be prescribed by him, actual expenditures for all goods and services needed and required by the department, institution, or agency for such periods after the expenditures have been made as may be designated by the Secretary of Administration.
Central Procurement Office
ND ST 54-44.4-02
The office of management and budget shall purchase or lease or otherwise arrange for the procurement, for all state agencies and institutions in the executive branch of state government, all materials, furniture, fixtures, printing, insurance, services, and other commodities. The International Peace Garden may participate in the procurement authorized by this section. The following commodities and services, however, are not subject to the procurement requirements of this chapter: 1. Land, buildings, space, or the rental thereof. 2. Telephone and telegraph service and electrical light and power services. 3. Public books, maps, periodicals, and technical pamphlets. 4. Department of transportation materials, equipment, and supplies in accordance with section 24-02-16. 5. Procurements by the industrial commission for energy-related programs under chapters 17-05, 54-17.5, 54-17.6, 54-17.7, and 54-63 and under those statutes in title 38 authorizing the industrial commission to perform well and hole pluggings, reclamation work, equipment removal, leak prevention, and similar work. 6. Services for the maintenance or servicing of equipment by the manufacturer or authorized servicing agent of that equipment when the maintenance or servicing can best be performed by the manufacturer or authorized service agent, or when such a contract would otherwise be advantageous to the state. 7. Emergency purchases the office of management and budget cannot make within the required time and which involve public health or public safety, or when immediate expenditures are necessary for repairs of state property to protect it against further loss or damage, or to prevent or minimize serious disruption in state services. Emergency purchases must be made with the level of competition practicable under the circumstances, and a written determination of the basis for the emergency and for the selection of the particular contractor must be included in the contract file. 8. Commodities and services costing less than a specified amount as determined by written directive by the director of the office of management and budget. 9. Specified commodities and services as determined by written directive by the director of the office of management and budget. 10. Employee benefit services, trust-related services, and investment management services obtained by an agency with a fiduciary responsibility regarding those services. All purchases made by the office of management and budget or a state agency or institution to which authority to purchase has been delegated by the office of management and budget must be made in accordance with this chapter, rules adopted under this chapter, and written policies of the office of management and budget.
Central Procurement Office
OH ST § 125.02
(A) The department of administrative services shall establish contracts for supplies and services, including telephone, other telecommunications, and computer services, for the use of state agencies, and may establish such contracts for the use of any political subdivision as described in division (B) of section 125.04 of the Revised Code, except for the following: (1) The adjutant general for military supplies and services; (2) The general assembly; (3) The judicial branch; (4) State institutions of higher education; (5) State elected officials as set forth in section 125.041 of the Revised Code; (6) The capitol square review and advisory board. The entities set forth in divisions (A)(l) to (6) of this section may request the department of administrative services' assistance in the procurement of supplies and services for their respective offices and, upon the department's approval, may participate in contracts awarded by the department. (B) For purchases under division (C) of section 125.05 of the Revised Code, the department shall grant a state agency a release and permit to make the purchase if the department determines that it is not possible or advantageous for the department to make a purchase. (C) Upon request, the department may grant a blanket release and permit to a state agency for specific purchases. The department may grant the blanket release and permit for a fiscal year or for a biennium as determined by the director of administrative services. (D) The director of administrative services shall adopt rules regarding circumstances and criteria for obtaining a release and permit under this section. The director of administrative services shall prescribe uniform rules governing forms of specifications, advertisements for proposals, the opening of bids, the making of awards and contracts, and the purchase of supplies and performance of work. (E) The director may enter into cooperative purchasing agreements to purchase supplies or services with the following: (1) The entities set forth in divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this section; (2) One or more other states; (3) Groups of states; (4) The United States or any department, division, or agency of the United States; (5) Other purchasing consortia; (6) The department of transportation; or (7) Any political subdivision of this state described in division (B) of section 125.04 of the Revised Code. (F) The United States or any department, division, or agency of the United States, one or more other states, groups of states, other purchasing consortia, or any agency, commission, or authority established under an interstate compact or agreement may purchase supplies and services from contracts established by the department of administrative services. (G) Except as provided in section 125.04 of the Revised Code, the department of administrative services shall purchase any policy of insurance, including a surety or fidelity bond, covering officers or employees of a state agency, for which the annual premium is more than one thousand dollars and which the state may procure. The department shall purchase the insurance in conformity with sections 125.04 to 125.15 of the Revised Code. As used in this division, “annual premium” means the total premium for one year for one type of insurance regardless of the number of policies.
Central Procurement Office
Title 74 O.S. § 85.7(A)(1)
A. 1. Except as otherwise provided by the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, or associated rules: a. every state agency shall initiate all acquisitions by the submission of a requisition to the Purchasing Division, and A. 1. Except as otherwise provided by the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, or associated rules: a. every state agency shall initiate all acquisitions by the submission of a requisition to the Purchasing Division, and b. no state agency shall make an acquisition for an amount exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) or the limit determined by the State Purchasing Director pursuant to rules authorized by Section 85.5 of this title, not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00), without submission of a requisition to the Purchasing Division for issuance of a solicitation for the acquisition on behalf of the agency. Any exemption from competitive bid requirements of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act further exempts the acquisition from requisition requirements of the act.
Central Procurement Office
OR ST § 279A.140
(1) The Oregon Department of Administrative Services shall conduct all procurements and administer the contracting for goods, services and personal services, including architectural, engineering, photogrammetric mapping, transportation planning or land surveying services and related services, for state agencies unless a state agency is specifically authorized by ORS 279A.050 or provisions of law other than the Public Contracting Code to enter into a contract. The authority described in this subsection may be delegated in whole or in part in accordance with ORS 279A.075. (2) The following requirements and procedures apply to all contracts of state agencies:....
Central Procurement Office
PA ST 62 Pa.C.S.A. § 301
(a) General organization.--Formulation of procurement policy governing the procurement, management, control and disposal of supplies, services and construction for executive and independent agencies shall be the responsibility of the department as provided for in Subchapter B (relating to procurement policy). The procurement and supervision of the procurement of supplies, services and construction for executive agencies and those independent agencies for which the department acts as purchasing agency shall be the responsibility of the department as provided for in Subchapter C (relating to powers and duties of department). (b) Application to independent agencies.--Except as otherwise specifically provided by law and this section, independent agencies shall use the department as their purchasing agency for the procurement of supplies or construction. Independent agencies shall have the authority to procure their own services. However, when any independent agency acts as its own purchasing agency, it shall use the procedures provided in this part for any procurement of supplies, services or construction. (c) Exceptions for executive and independent agencies.--The following supplies, services and construction need not be procured through the department, nor shall the procurement policy be established by the department, but shall nevertheless be procured by the appropriate purchasing agency, subject to the requirements of this part: (1) Bridge, highway, dam, airport (except vertical construction), railroad or other heavy or specialized construction, including: (i) The construction of facilities and improvements by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in State parks and State forests. (ii) Construction activities, excluding buildings, solely within the expertise of the Department of Environmental Protection, including, but not limited to, mine reclamation, oil and gas well plugging, waste site remediation, flood control and stream rehabilitation. (iii) Owner-controlled insurance programs for bridge, highway, dam, airport, railroad or other heavy or specialized construction. (2) Works of art, historic objects and documents for acquisition and public exhibition. (3) Published books, maps, periodicals, technical pamphlets, compact discs, video and audio reproductions, subscriptions and professional memberships. (4) Perishable food stuffs. (5) The procurement of services, the renting of machinery and equipment and the licensing of specialized computer software by the Office of Attorney General, the Department of the Auditor General and the Treasury Department. (d) Application to State-affiliated entities.--State-affiliated entities may formulate their own procurement policy governing the procurement, management, control and disposal of supplies, services and construction and may act as their own purchasing agency for the procurement of supplies, services and construction, but they are required to use the procedures provided in this part for such procurement.
Central Procurement Office
General Services Administration Act for the 2019 Centralization of Puerto Rico Government Procurement. Law No. 73 of 23 July 2019.
Article 10.- Powers and Duties of the Administration. The Administration shall have the following general powers and duties: (a) Create and Manage the necessary information systems and tools available for the Government of Puerto Rico to acquire goods, works and non-professional services at the best possible value; (b) To promote efficiency and economy in the services that the Administration provides to all government entities and citizens in general; c) Take money on loan and grant those contracts and instruments necessary to it; (d) Establish the process in which non-professional goods, works and services are to be be made, purchased, delivered and distributed; Awarding contracts and choose the type of contract to be awarded; (e) Evaluate Programs and standards for developing procedures and methods are periodically developed to reorient the management of the Administration, taking into account consideration of changing needs in the area of services and activities entrusted to it; (f) Prescribe the policy and method for providing maximum utilization of ownership surplus of government agencies, including the ownership of entities of the Executive Branch and public corporations, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law or regulation; (g) With the A firm commitment to highlighting transparency in government management, on the Administration's website, with the advice of the official in charge of the information systems of the Port Government Rico or his representative, all documents related to the publication, holding and awarding of auctions for all public works and procurement by auction of goods and services from all government entities; as well as the municipalities that voluntarily participate in the procedures and/or services set forth in this Law. This space on the website it will be known as the Single Registry of Auctions of the Government of Puerto Rico (RUS) and shall include, but not limited to, the auctions, a description of the auctions, the bidders participating, the dates of the award or cancellation of the auctions, the successful bidders, the price for which the auction was awarded and any other information that the auction may have been awarded. Administration deems necessary. Daily, as new announcements are made opportunities to tender, notification of them must be given in a timely manner. to each of the bidders registered in the RUL, and; (h) Establish any method or procedure necessary to meet the objectives of this Law, compliance with which is mandatory for any entity governmental, exempt entity and/or municipality.
Central Procurement Office
RI ST § 37-2-12
(a) All rights, powers, duties, and authority relating to the procurement of supplies, services, and construction, and the management, control, warehousing, sale, and disposal of supplies, services, and construction now vested in or exercised by any state agency under the several statutes relating thereto are hereby transferred to the chief purchasing officer as provided in this chapter, subject to the provisions of § 37-2-54. A public agency does not have to utilize the centralized purchasing of the state but the public agency, through its existing internal purchasing function, shall adhere to the general principles, policies and practices set forth in this chapter. (b) The chief purchasing officer, as defined in § 37-2-7(3)(i), may establish, charge, and collect from state contractors, listed on master-price agreements, a statewide contract administrative fee not to exceed one percent (1%) of the total value of the annual spend against a contract awarded to a state contractor. All statewide contract administrative fees collected pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited into a restricted-receipt account within the general fund designated as the “division of purchases administrative-fee account” and shall be used for the purposes of implementing technology for the submission and processing of bids, online vendor registration, bid notification, and other costs related to state procurement. On or before January 15, 2019, and annually thereafter on or before January 15, the chief purchasing officer or designee shall file a report with the governor, the speaker of the house, and the president of the senate detailing: (i) The total amount of funds collected and deposited into the division of purchases administrative-fee account for the most recently completed fiscal year; (ii) The account balance as of the date of the report; (iii) An itemization of all expenditures and other uses of said funds from said account for the most recently completed fiscal year; and (iv) An annual evaluation as to the appropriateness of the amount of the contract administrative fee on master-price agreements. (c) Subject to the approval of the director of the department of administration, the state controller is authorized to offset any currently recorded outstanding liability on the part of developmental disability organizations (DDOs) to repay previously authorized startup capital advances against the proceeds from the sale of group homes within a fiscal year prior to any sale proceeds being deposited into the information technology investment fund.
Central Procurement Office
SC Code Ann § 11-35-510
All rights, powers, duties, and authority relating to the procurement of supplies, services, and information technology and to the management, control, warehousing, sale and disposal of supplies, construction, information technology, and services now vested in or exercised by a state governmental body pursuant to the provisions of law relating thereto, and regardless of source of funding, are hereby vested in the appropriate chief procurement officer, or with regard to Article 15, as provided therein. This vesting of authority is subject to Section 11-35-710 (Exemptions), Section 11-35-1250 (Authority to Contract for Auditing Services), Section 11-35-1260 (Authority to Contract for Legal Services), Section 11-35-1550 (Small Purchases), Section 11-35-1560 (Sole Source Procurement), Section 11-35-1570 (Emergency Procurements), Section 11-35-3230 (Exception for Small Architect-Engineer, and Land Surveying Services Contracts), and Section 11-35-3620 (Management of Warehouses and Inventory).
Total Delegation to Agencies
SD ST § 5-18A-34
The Bureau of Administration shall serve as the central procurement agency of the State of South Dakota. Except for the legislative and judicial branches and as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter and chapters 5-18B, 5-18C, and 5-18D, the Bureau of Administration shall procure, or authorize the procurement of all supplies and public improvements for state government. No claim for any such procurement may be paid unless authorization has been issued by the bureau. All state agencies and institutions are responsible for the procurement of services for their respective governmental unit. The governing body of all other purchasing agencies, including the legislative and judicial branches of state government, is responsible for procuring or authorizing the procurement of supplies, services, and public improvements for their respective governmental unit.
Central Procurement Office
TN ADC 0690-03-01-.01
(1) These Rules shall apply to all procurements and resulting contracts for commodities and services entered into by the various departments, institutions, boards, commissions, and agencies of the executive branch of government of the State of Tennessee (referenced herein as “agency”), with the following exceptions: (a) Contracts of the Department of Transportation for construction and engineering which are made in accordance with the provisions of T.C.A. §§ 54-5-101, et seq. (b) The University of Tennessee and the Tennessee Board of Regents college and university systems. (c) Contracts to employ additional legal counsel for the State of Tennessee that are subject to the provisions of T.C.A. § 8-6-106 shall not be subject to these Rules. Contracts for the provision of legal services, consultation, or advice provided to beneficiaries of programs of the State of Tennessee and not directly provided to the State of Tennessee shall be made in accordance with these Rules. (d) Interagency Agreements between two agencies of the State, where neither State Agency has the independent capacity to contract or sue or be sued, shall not be subject to these Rules. A contract between a State Agency subject to these Rules and a separate governmental entity with the legal capacity to contract and sue or be sued shall be reduced to writing, contain an adequate description of the duties of each party, a statement of the contract term, a statement of the maximum amount payable, and shall be drafted to comply with these Rules and Central Procurement Office Policy, unless otherwise provided by applicable law....
Central Procurement Office
TEX. GOV’T CODE § 2155.061
(a) The comptroller shall acquire by purchase, lease, rental, or another manner all goods and services for a state agency, including a purchase that does not require a competitive bid or a spot purchase. (b) The comptroller shall operate an effective and economical system for purchasing goods and services.
Central Procurement Office
USVI § 31-232
The Commissioner of Property and Procurement shall— (1) purchase or contract for all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services, in the manner described in this chapter, required by any and all departments, offices, boards, institutions, and other agencies of the Government of the Virgin Islands, but not for the legislative and judicial branches of the Government; (2) establish and enforce standard specifications which shall apply to supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services purchased for the use of the Government; (3) lease all grounds, buildings, offices or other space that may be required by government departments and agencies; (4) supervise the making and be custodian for an inventory of all removable equipment belonging to the Government and keep such inventory current; (5) operate a central printing and duplicating division for government agencies; design and prescribe forms, stationery and other printed matter in continuous use by various departments and agencies and arrange for and be responsible for all printing and publications required by all agencies and departments of the government. Whenever any agency or officer is authorized to publish reports, regulations or any other documents, such publication shall be issued through the Commissioner of Property and Procurement, provided that publications shall be inserted in newspapers of general circulation only in the district affected by the notices; (6) sell all supplies, materials and equipment not needed for public use or that may have become unsuitable for use, and transfer between departments, offices, boards, institutions and other agencies of the government any supplies, materials and equipment not needed by one but necessary to the operation of another or others; and (7) delegate procurement authority up to $50,000 to agencies and departments within the executive branch that have established central procurement offices and that have been trained and certified by the Commissioner of Property and Procurement. The Commissioner shall require agencies to re-certify for delegated procurement authority every two years, and agency activity is limited to those activities granted by the certificate of delegation issued by the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall promulgate regulations to govern this paragraph.
Central Procurement Office
UT ST § 63G-6a-303
(1) The chief procurement officer: (a) is the director of the division; (b) serves as the central procurement officer of the state; (c) serves as a voting member of the board; and (d) serves as the protest officer for a protest relating to a procurement of an executive branch procurement, except an executive branch procurement unit designated under Subsection 63G-6a-103(39)(b), (c), (d), or (e) as an independent procurement unit, or a state cooperative contract procurement, unless the chief procurement officer designates another to serve as protest officer, as authorized in this chapter. (2) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the chief procurement officer shall:...
Total Delegation to Agencies
Bulletin 3.5, Page 9
Generally, State of Vermont employees should be used to perform essential governmental functions. However, there are circumstances which justify the use of Contractors to complete certain tasks, rather than employees, which may be determined at the discretion of the Appointing Authority. Once the determination has been made to enter into a Contract for Service, applicable State law and the policies and procedures set forth in this Bulletin will apply, regardless of amount.
Central Procurement Office
VA ST § 2.2-4300
A. This chapter may be cited as the Virginia Public Procurement Act. B. The purpose of this chapter is to enunciate the public policies pertaining to governmental procurement from nongovernmental sources, to include governmental procurement that may or may not result in monetary consideration for either party. This chapter shall apply whether the consideration is monetary or nonmonetary and regardless of whether the public body, the contractor, or some third party is providing the consideration. C. To the end that public bodies in the Commonwealth obtain high quality goods and services at reasonable cost, that all procurement procedures be conducted in a fair and impartial manner with avoidance of any impropriety or appearance of impropriety, that all qualified vendors have access to public business and that no offeror be arbitrarily or capriciously excluded, it is the intent of the General Assembly that competition be sought to the maximum feasible degree, that procurement procedures involve openness and administrative efficiency, that individual public bodies enjoy broad flexibility in fashioning details of such competition, that the rules governing contract awards be made clear in advance of the competition, that specifications reflect the procurement needs of the purchasing body rather than being drawn to favor a particular vendor, and that the purchaser and vendor freely exchange information concerning what is sought to be procured and what is offered. Public bodies may consider best value concepts when procuring goods and nonprofessional services, but not construction or professional services. The criteria, factors, and basis for consideration of best value and the process for the consideration of best value shall be as stated in the procurement solicitation.
Central Procurement Office
WA ST 39.26.090
The director shall: (1) Establish overall state policies, standards, and procedures regarding the procurement of goods and services by all state agencies; (2) Develop policies and standards for the use of credit cards or similar methods to make purchases; (3) Establish procurement processes for information technology goods and services, using technology standards and policies established by the office of the chief information officer under *chapter 43.41A RCW; (4) Enter into contracts or delegate the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the state to facilitate the purchase, lease, rent, or otherwise acquire all goods and services and equipment needed for the support, maintenance, and use of all state agencies, except as provided in RCW 39.26.100; (5) Have authority to delegate to agencies authorization to purchase goods and services. The authorization must specify restrictions as to dollar amount or to specific types of goods and services, based on a risk assessment process developed by the department. Acceptance of the purchasing authorization by an agency does not relieve the agency from conformance with this chapter or from policies established by the director. Also, the director may not delegate to a state agency the authorization to purchase goods and services if the agency is not in substantial compliance with overall procurement policies as established by the director; (6) Develop procurement policies and procedures, such as unbundled contracting and subcontracting, that encourage and facilitate the purchase of goods and services from Washington small businesses, microbusinesses, and minibusinesses, and minority and women-owned businesses to the maximum extent practicable and consistent with international trade agreement commitments;
Central Procurement Office
WV ST § 5A-3-3
The director, under the direction and supervision of the secretary, is the executive officer of the Purchasing Division and has the power and duty to: (1) Direct the activities and employees of the Purchasing Division; (2) Ensure that the purchase of or contract for commodities and services are based, whenever possible, on competitive bid; (3) Purchase or contract for, in the name of the state, the commodities, services, and printing required by the spending units of the state government; (4) Apply and enforce standard specifications established in accordance with § 5A-3-5 of this code as hereinafter provided; (5) Transfer to or between spending units or sell commodities that are surplus, obsolete, or unused as hereinafter provided; (6) Have charge of central storerooms for the supply of spending units as the director considers advisable; (7) Establish and maintain a laboratory for the testing of commodities and make use of existing facilities in state institutions for that purpose as hereinafter provided as the director considers advisable; (8) Suspend the right and privilege of a vendor to bid on state purchases when the director has evidence that the vendor has violated any of the provisions of the purchasing law or the rules and regulations of the director;...
Central Procurement Office
WI ST 16.71
(1) Except as otherwise required under this section and s. 16.78 or as authorized in s. 16.74, the department shall purchase and may delegate to special designated agents the authority to purchase all necessary materials, supplies, equipment, all other permanent personal property and miscellaneous capital, and contractual services and all other expense of a consumable nature for all agencies. In making any delegation, the department shall require the agent to adhere to all requirements imposed upon the department in making purchases under this subchapter. All materials, services and other things and expense furnished to any agency and interest paid under s. 16.528 shall be charged to the proper appropriation of the agency to which furnished....
Total Delegation to Agencies
WY ADC 006.0006.1 § 6
Agency heads shall ensure that the following functions are performed in their agency. (a) The establishment and maintenance of internal procedures for administration of purchasing functions. (b) The establishment and maintenance of purchasing records and files. (c) If warranted by the size of the agency, the designation of a contact position for communication with the Division regarding purchasing. (d) As necessary, the issuance of internal agency policies relating to procedures, lines of communication, authority to act in purchasing matters, work unit regulations and other purchasing policy matters not in conflict with the purchasing rules and State purchasing policies.