
Public Notice

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The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


Minimum duration is equal for both IFBs and RFPs.

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

21 Days


AAC 355-4-3-.02 (2) and 355-4-3-.03 (4)

Citation Language:

A minimum of 21 days shall be provided unless a shorter time is deemed necessary for a particular procurement as determined in writing by the Chief Procurement Officer or the head of the Purchasing Agency.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

21 Days


AS 36.30.130 (a)

Citation Language:

The procurement officer shall give adequate public notice of the invitation to bid at least 21 days before the date for the opening of bids.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

14 Days


AZ Rev. Statutes 41-2533 C

Citation Language:

The publication shall be not less than two weeks before bid opening and shall be circulated within the affected governmental jurisdiction. 


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


90 days maximum

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

5 Days


A.C.A. § 19-11-229 (d) (1)

Citation Language:

**(d)** Notice inviting bids shall: **(1)** Be given not fewer than five (5) calendar days nor more than ninety (90) calendar days preceding the date for the opening of bids by publishing the notice at least one (1) time in at least one (1) newspaper having general circulation in the state or posting by electronic media, but in all instances, adequate notice shall be given;


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


Minimum of 2 weeks in weekly publications. Minimum of 10 business days on CA State Contracts Register

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

2 Weeks / 10 Working Days


PCC Div. 2 Pt. 2 Ch. 1 Art. 3 10140(a) & SCM 1 - 5.75 A

Citation Language:

(a) Public notice of a project shall be given by publication once a week for at least two consecutive weeks or once a week for more than two consecutive weeks if the longer period of advertising is deemed necessary by the department. 5.75 ADVERTISING STATE-CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES (Rev 1/18) A. Contracts of $10,000 or more must be advertised in the CSCR for at least 10 working days, unless exempt from bidding. Agencies cannot release solicitations prior to publication in the CSCR.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

14 Days for IFBs 30 Days for RFPs


R-24-103-202a-01 (c) & R-24-103-203-7 

Citation Language:

(c) Solicitation Time. Except as provided under emergency procedures, the minimum time for the bid opening date shall be not less than 14 calendar days after posting the solicitation on BIDS. When special requirements or conditions exist, the head of a purchasing agency may lengthen or shorten the bid time, but in no case shall the time cycle be shortened to reduce competition. Solicitation periods of less than 14 calendar days shall be documented by the head of the purchasing agency as to why a reduced bid period was required. Proposal preparation time for formal RFPs shall be set to provide offerors a minimum of 30 calendar days to prepare and submit their proposals. However, when special requirements or conditions exist, the State Purchasing Director or head of a purchasing agency may shorten this time, but in no case shall the time be shortened in order to reduce competition. The State Purchasing Director or head of a purchasing agency shall document why the reduced time period was necessary. 


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

5 Days


Chap.58 Sec. 4a-57 (a)

Citation Language:

In the case of an expenditure that is estimated to exceed fifty thousand dollars, such notice shall be posted, not less than five calendar days before the final date of submitting bids or proposals, on the State Contracting Portal.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


Similar requirements apply to professional services and public works solicitations.

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

14 Days


DE ST TI 29 § 6923 (e); DE ST TI 29 § 6924 (c) (2)

Citation Language:

DE ST TI 29 § 6923 (e) _Invitation to bid. —_ (1) The agency shall make available invitations to bid at least 14 days before the time and date of the bid opening, unless a shorter time is deemed necessary for a particular procurement as determined in writing by the agency. DE ST TI 29 § 6924 (2) A request for proposals shall be issued at least 14 calendar days before the closing date and time for receipt of proposals unless a shorter time is determined necessary in writing by the agency.

District of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

14 Days for IFBs; 21 Days for RFPs


DC Code § 2–354.02 (e)(1) ; DC Code § 2–354.03 (c)

Citation Language:

**(e)** **(1)**  The CPO shall provide public notice of the Invitation for Bids of not less than 14 days for contracts, unless the CPO issues a determination and findings that it is appropriate to shorten the notice period to a period of not less than 3 days. In making the determination and findings, the CPO shall consider factors including the complexity of the procurement, the type of goods or services being purchased, and the impact of a shortened notice period on competition. **(c)**  Proposals shall be solicited through a request for proposals. The CPO shall provide public notice of the RFP of not less than 21 days, unless the CPO issues a determination and findings that it is appropriate to shorten the notice period to a period of not less than 14 days. In making the determination and findings, the CPO shall consider factors including the complexity of the procurement, the type of goods or services being purchased, and the impact of a shortened notice period on competition.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

10 Days


FL ADC 60A-1.021 (2)

Citation Language:

(2) All agency decisions or intended decisions shall be electronically posted on the VIP. All competitive solicitations issued by agencies shall be electronically posted on the VIP for at least 10 calendar days prior to the date for receipt of responses, unless the Department or other agency determines in writing that a shorter period of time is necessary to avoid harming the interests of the state.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

Minimum posting period is dictated by estimated contract value. $25,000 - $99,999.99: Minimum of Three (3) Business Days $100,000 - $249,999.99: Minimum of Five (5) Business Days $250,000 or more: Minimum of Fifteen (15) Calendar Days (mandated by Georgia law) All solicitations for construction/public works contracts: Minimum of Thirty (30) Calendar Days (mandated by Georgia law)


GPM & O.C.G.A. § 50-5-67 (a)

Citation Language:

GPM The posting and closing dates of a solicitation are used to determine the total public posting period. Solicitations must remain publicly posted for a minimum period of time depending on the estimated dollar value of the contract. The procurement professional may increase the posting time period as needed. Table 3.5 Public Posting Guidelines If the Estimated Contract Value is…Then, the Posting Period is… Up to $24,999.990: Days (No competitive bid posting is required) $25,000 - $99,999.99: Minimum of Three (3) Business Days $100,000 - $249,999.99: Minimum of Five (5) Business Days NOTE: GA Law mandates NOIA is to be posted for all bids $100,000 or greater. $250,000 or more: Minimum of Fifteen (15) Calendar Days (mandated by Georgia law) All solicitations for construction/public works contracts: Minimum of Thirty (30) Calendar Days (mandated by Georgia law) O.C.G.A. § 50-5-67 (a) If the total requirement of any given commodity will involve an expenditure in excess of $250,000.00, sealed bids shall be solicited by advertisement in the Georgia Procurement Registry established under subsection (b) of Code Section 50-5-69 and in addition may be solicited by advertisement in a newspaper of state-wide circulation at least once and at least 15 calendar days, except for construction projects which shall have 30 calendar days allowed, prior to the date fixed for opening of the bids and awarding of the contract.

Flag of GuamGuam

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

7 Days


GAR 2-4-3-§3109

Citation Language:

Every procurement in excess of $25,000 shall be publicized at least once and at least seven (7) days before the final date of submission of bids


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

10 Days for IFBs; 30 Days for RFPs


HI ADC §3-122-16.02 

Citation Language:

(a) The minimum time period between the first date of the public notice of the solicitation and the date set for receipt of offers, except as provided by subsection (b) for construction, including design-build projects, shall be as follows: (1) For a single-step invitation for bids pursuant to subchapter 5, ten calendar days; (2) For competitive sealed proposals pursuant to subchapter 6, thirty calendar days, unless the procurement officer makes a written determination that a shorter time will provide for adequate competition; and (3) For multi-step invitation for bids pursuant to subchapter 6.5, fifteen calendar days for the phase one unpriced technical proposal, unless the procurement officer makes a written determination that a shorter time will provided for adequate competition; and ten calendar days for the phase two priced bid. (b) For construction, including design-build projects, a minimum of fifteen calendar days shall be provided between the date of the pre-bid conference pursuant to section 3-122-16.05(b) and the date set for receipt of offers. 


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


No minimum limit for RFQs, RFPs, or IFBs established in statute or rule.

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

RFQs: 5-20 Days; IFBs: 30-45 Days; RFPs: 45-60 Days


ID Procurement Manual Ch. 3 Sec. 4

Citation Language:

RFQs should be posted for sufficient time to obtain quotes (typically 5 – 20 days depending on the commodity or service and the vendor pool).


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

14 Days


30 ILCS 500/20-10 (c); Ill. Admin. Code tit. 44, § 1.1585

Citation Language:

(c) Public notice. Public notice of the invitation for bids shall be published in the Illinois Procurement Bulletin at least 14 calendar days before the date set in the invitation for the opening of bids. Section 1.1585 Notice Time: Each solicitation shall be published in the Bulletin at least 14 days prior to the date set for opening, unless a shorter time is authorized by the Code or this Part.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


Same statute applies to Requests for Proposals; Delegated purchasing authority to agencies for purchases $5,000-$75,000 can post an RFQ for 7 days. (IN DOA - DPAP Manual pg. 5)

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

2 Weeks


IC 5-3-1-2 (e)

Citation Language:

 (e) If the event is the receiving of bids, notice shall be published two (2) times, at least one (1) week apart, with the second publication made at least seven (7) days before the date the bids will be received.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


Applies to all public notices, including solicitations. Requires an additional 48-hour notice prior to public posting of solicitation: 118.12(1) State agencies, when utilizing formal competition, shall provide a 48-hour notice of each procurement for services to the targeted small business portal located at the Iowa economic development authority’s website in conformance with Iowa Code section 73.16(2).

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

Minimum of 4 days; Maximum of 20 days


Iowa Code §362.3

Citation Language:

1\. Unless otherwise provided by state law: a. If notice of an election, hearing, or other official action is required by the city code, the notice must be published at least once, not less than four nor more than twenty days before the date of the election, hearing, or other action.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

Minimum posting period is determined by approximate purchase value. $25,000 - $50,000: 3 days; Greater than $50,000: 10 Days


KS ST 75-3739 (b) (1); KS ST 75-3739 (c)

Citation Language:

(b) (1) If the amount of the purchase is estimated to exceed $50,000, sealed bids shall be solicited by notice published once in the Kansas register not less than 10 days before the date stated in the notice for the opening of the bids. The director of purchases may waive this publication of notice requirement when the director determines that a more timely procurement is in the best interest of the state. The director of purchases also may designate a trade journal for the publication. The director of purchases also shall solicit such bids by sending notices by mail to prospective bidders and by posting the notice on a public bulletin board for at least 10 business days before the date stated in the notice for the opening of the bids unless otherwise provided by law. (c) All purchases estimated to exceed approximately $25,000 but not more than $50,000, shall be made after receipt of sealed bids following at least three days' notice posted on a public bulletin board.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

7 Days


KY ST 45A.080 (3)

Citation Language:

(3) Adequate public notice of the invitation for bids and any reverse auction shall be given a sufficient time prior to the date set forth for the opening of bids or beginning of the reverse auction. The notice may include posting on the Internet or publication in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in the state as determined by the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet not less than seven (7) days before the date set for the opening of the bids and any reverse auction. The provisions of this subsection shall also apply to price contracts and purchase contracts of state institutions of higher education. 


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

IFBs: 10 Days; RFPs - generally: 30 Days, 30 Days (Consulting Services-Non Transportation), 15 Days (Consulting Services - Transportation), 14 Days (Social Services)


LA R.S. 39:1594(C); LA R.S. RS 39:1595

Citation Language:

 C. Public notice. (1) Adequate public notice of the invitation for bids shall be given at least ten days prior to the date set forth therein for the opening of bids on all matters except those made for housing of state agencies, their personnel, operations, equipment, or activities pursuant to R.S. 39:1643, for which such notice shall be given at least twenty days prior to the opening of bids. Notice shall be in writing and to persons in a position to furnish the supplies, services, or major repairs required, as shown by its records, and by advertising if the amount of the purchase is twenty-five thousand dollars or more.; (2) For a contract to be let under the provisions of this Subsection, the agency shall give adequate public notice of the request for proposals by advertising in the official journal of the state at least thirty days before the last day that proposals will be accepted.;


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


RFQs/IFBs have no minimum posting window

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

15 Days for RFPs


ME ADC 18-554 Ch. 110

Citation Language:

iii. Request for proposals must be advertised for a minimum of three consecutive days in the Kennebec Journal of Augusta, allowing a minimum of fifteen (15) calendar days from the final day of advertising to the proposal opening date. This section does not limit advertising in any other publication, trade publication or other media.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


Applies to both IFBs and RFPs

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

20 Days



Citation Language:

Bidding time is the period of time between the date of publication of the invitation for bids and the time and date set for receipt of bids. The bidding time shall be a minimum of 20 days.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


Applies to both IFBs and RFPs

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

14 Days


MA ST 30B § 5 (c)

Citation Language:

 (4) remain posted, for at least two weeks, in a conspicuous place in or near the offices of the governmental body until the time specified in the invitation for bids; and   (5) be published at least once, not less than two weeks prior to the time specified for the receipt of bids, in a newspaper of general circulation within the area served by the governmental body and on the COMMBUYS system administered by the operational services division.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

RFPs: 14 Days; Invitations to Negotiate: 7 days; Competitive Proof of Concept: 7 days; Geographically-Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Mandatory Minimum solicitation: 14 days


MPPM Chapter 7.2 Posting Requirements

Citation Language:

Request for Proposal (RFP). An RFP with an estimated amount greater than $50,000 must be publicly posted on SIGMA for a minimum of 14 calendar days unless an exception is obtained from the Chief Procurement Officer or designee. Invitation to Negotiate (ITN). The ITN document, described in Chapter 6, Section 6.4 Constructing the Solicitation, must be posted on the SIGMA system for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days unless otherwise approved by the Chief Procurement Officer or designee. 2 Competitive Proof of Concept (CPC). The CPC solicitation documents, described in Chapter 6, Section 6.5 Constructing the Solicitation, must be posted on the SIGMA system for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days unless otherwise approved by the Chief Procurement Officer or designee. Geographically-Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (GDBE) Mandatory Minimum. A GDBE Mandatory Minimum solicitation with an estimated amount greater than $50,000 must be publicly posted on SIGMA for a minimum of 14 calendar days unless an exception is obtained from the Chief Procurement Officer or designee. 


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

7 Days


MN ADC 1230.0300

Citation Language:

Subpart 1. **Publication. ** Notice of solicitations estimated to exceed the limits established by Minnesota Statutes, section [16C.06](, subdivision 1, must be advertised at least seven calendar days prior to the opening date. 


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


projects greater than $25,000 purchased from funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act must be published for a minimum of 10 consecutive days.

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

Minimum posting period determined by multiple factors: Expenditures estimated over $50,000 - 2 consecutive weeks or 8 days; Construction projects over $50,000 - 2 weeks or 15 days after last publication; RFPs - 30 days


 MS Code § 31-7-13 (c);  MS Code § 31-7-405.3

Citation Language:

1\. Purchases which involve an expenditure of more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($ 50,000.00), exclusive of freight and shipping charges, may be made from the lowest and best bidder after advertising for competitive bids once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a regular newspaper published in the county or municipality in which such agency or governing authority is located.; 3. The date as published for the bid opening shall not be less than seven (7) working days after the last published notice; however, if the purchase involves a construction project in which the estimated cost is in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($ 50,000.00), such bids shall not be opened in less than fifteen (15) working days after the last notice is published and the notice for the purchase of such construction shall be published once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks. However, all American Recovery and Reinvestment Act projects in excess of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($ 25,000.00) shall be bid. For any projects in excess of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($ 25,000.00) under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, publication shall be made one (1) time and the bid opening for construction projects shall not be less than ten (10) working days after the date of the published notice.; 31-7-405.3 Proposal or qualification preparation time shall be set to provide offerers a reasonable time to prepare their proposals or qualifications. A minimum of thirty (30) days shall be provided unless a shorter time is deemed necessary for a particular procurement as determined in writing by the chief procurement officer of the requesting agency.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

5 Days


MO ST 34.040.2 (1); MO ST 34.042.2 (1)

Citation Language:

 (1)  Advertise for bids in at least two daily newspapers of general circulation in such places as are most likely to reach prospective bidders and may advertise in at least two weekly minority newspapers and may provide such information through an electronic medium available to the general public at least five days before bids for such purchases are to be opened. ;  (1)  Advertise for proposals in at least two daily newspapers of general circulation in such places as are most likely to reach prospective offerors and may advertise in at least two weekly minority newspapers and may provide such information through an electronic medium available to the general public at least five days before proposals for such purchases are to be opened.  


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

Determined by the circumstances of each individual procurement project; typically 30 days.


Montana Procurement Manual 7.2.4

Citation Language:

7.2.4 Public Announcement Period. Agencies determine solicitation posting- and response times on a case-by-case basis. However, to allow for a Q&A period and the response time needed by Vendors, 30+-day solicitation periods are standard. Particularly complex or unusual requirements often result in questions from the industry and multiple/lengthy Q&A rounds,in which case, longer overall solicitation periods result


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

15 Days


Nebraska State Procurement Manual II.B.5

Citation Language:

a. The solicitation must be posted for at least fifteen (15) calendar days, unless the Materiel Administrator approves a posting for less time upon the agency's showing of a unique requirement. Neb. Rev. Stat. § 73-809. b. The solicitation must be filed with the Materiel Division "for dissemination or website access to interested vendors," but it may also be published on any public forum. Neb. Rev. Stat. § 73-807 (5). 


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

No official guidance

New HampshireNew Hampshire

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

No official guidance

Flag of New JerseyNew Jersey

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

No official guidance

New MexicoNew Mexico

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

10 Days for IFBs; 20 days for RFPs


NMSA Section 13-1-104; NMAC

Citation Language:

A. An invitation for bids or a notice thereof shall be published not less than ten calendar days prior to the date set forth for the opening of bids.;  **A.**            Procurements by the state purchasing agent:  The state purchasing agent shall give public notice of the RFP in the same manner as provided in NMAC of this rule.  However, an RFP or a notice shall be published not less than 20 days prior to the date set for receipt of proposals unless a shorter time frame is requested and approval granted by the state purchasing agent.

New YorkNew York

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

15 Days


NY Ch. 15 Art. 4-C § 143

Citation Language:

1\. Prior to awarding any procurement contract, each agency shall submit to the commissioner information sufficient to enable publication of the notices of procurement contract opportunities described in subdivision two of section one hundred forty-two of this article. Such information shall be submitted to the commissioner in sufficient time to allow a minimum of fifteen business days between publication of such notice and the date on which a bid or proposal is due, except where a shorter period is specifically authorized by law.

North CarolinaNorth Carolina

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

10 Days for IFBs


NC ST § 143-52 (a)

Citation Language:

Where the total requirements will involve an expenditure in excess of the expenditure benchmark established under the provisions of G.S. 143-53.1 and where the competitive bidding procedure is employed as hereinafter provided, sealed bids shall be solicited by advertisement in a newspaper widely distributed in this State or through electronic means, or both, as determined by the Secretary to be most advantageous, at least once and at least 10 days prior to the date designated for opening. 

North DakotaNorth Dakota

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

No official guidance


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

3 Weeks/21 days


Ohio Procurement Manual Ch. 2 pg. 28

Citation Language:

Once the ITB is completed and approved, it is advertised for approximately three weeks; however, DAS and the ordering agency may agree to advertise for a shorter or longer period. 


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

No official guidance


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

Statutory minimum: 7 Days; Agency ITBs: 14 days; Agency RFPs: 30 days


ORS 279B.055 (4); OAR 125-247-0305 (4)

Citation Language:

(f) Unless otherwise specified in rules adopted under ORS 279A.065, the contracting agency shall give public notice at least seven days before the solicitation closing date.; (4) Notice Time Periods. (a) The Authorized Agency must give Official Notice of an Invitation to Bid at least fourteen (14) Days before the Closing. (b) The Authorized Agency must give Official Notice of a Request for Proposals at least thirty (30) Days before the Closing.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

30 Days


Pennsylvania Procurement Manual. Part I Chapter 49. p. 11

Citation Language:

Public Notice. The purchasing agency shall give public notice of RFPs in the same manner used for the competitive sealed bidding method. The Issuing Office must provide potential offerors with sufficient time to prepare their proposals. Normally, no fewer than 30 calendar days should be allowed for submission of proposals.

Puerto RicoPuerto Rico

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

No official guidance

Rhode IslandRhode Island

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

Minimum: 7 days; Maximum 28 days


R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-18

Citation Language:

**(c)** Unless the invitations for bid are accessible under the provisions as provided in § 37-2-17.1, public notice of the invitation for bids shall be given a sufficient time prior to the date set forth therein for the opening of bids. Public notice may include publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the state as determined by the purchasing agent not less than seven (7) days nor more than twenty-eight (28) days before the date set for the opening of the bids. The purchasing agent may make a written determination that the twenty-eight (28) day limitation needs to be waived. 

South CarolinaSouth Carolina

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


Also applies to RFPs

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

7 Days


SC Reg. 19–445.2030

Citation Language:

B. Adequate notice of the invitation for bids must be given at a reasonable time before the date set forth in it for the opening of bids. Accordingly, bidding time will be set to provide bidders a reasonable time to prepare their bids. Without limiting the foregoing requirements, the date of opening may not be less than seven (7) days after notice of the solicitation is provided as required by Section 11–35–1520(3), unless a shorter time is deemed necessary for a particular procurement as determined in writing by the Chief Procurement Officer or the head of the purchasing agency or his designee.

South DakotaSouth Dakota

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

10 Days


SD ST § 5-18A-14

Citation Language:

The advertisement shall appear as a legal notice in the appointed legal newspaper. The advertisement shall be printed at least twice, with the first publication at least ten days before opening of bids or the deadline for the submission of proposals.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

No official guidance


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice


Also applies to RFPs

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

7 Days


TEX. GOV’T CODE § Sec. 2155.083

Citation Language:

(a) A notice inviting bids shall be published at least once in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the state not later than the seventh day before the last day set for the receipt of bids.

Flag of the United States Virgin IslandsUS Virgin Islands

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

5 Days


USVI § 31-236

Citation Language:

**(a)** Except as provided for in section 239, all purchases of and contracts for supplies, materials, equipment, and contractual services and for all sales of obsolete and unusable personal property must be based on competitive bids, or competitive proposals. All expenditures made pursuant to this title must be in writing. Notices inviting sealed competitive bids must be published in the newspapers of general circulation within the Virgin Islands, or on the Department of Property and Procurement’s website and online or by electronic publications, and on Federal Government databases, used by the General Services Administration. Not fewer than five calendar days must intervene between the date of the last publication and the final date for submitting bids. The notices must include: **(1)** a general description of the articles to be purchased or sold, **(2)** a statement of where blank bids and specifications may be obtained, **(3)** the time and place for the bid opening, and **(4)** the place where the property may be inspected, if it is an item that is being sold.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

7 Days


UT ST § 63G-6a-112

Citation Language:

(1) A procurement unit that issues a solicitation shall post notice of the solicitation: (a) at least seven days before the day of the deadline for submission of a solicitation response; and (b) (i) on the main website for the procurement unit; or (ii) on a state website that is owned, managed by, or provided under contract with, the division for posting a public procurement notice. (2) A procurement unit may reduce the seven-day period described in Subsection [(1)](, if the procurement unit's procurement official signs a written statement that: (a) states that a shorter time is needed; and (b) determines that competition from multiple sources may be obtained within the shorter period of time.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

5 Days


Bulletin 3.5, VIII. Page 24

Citation Language:

The time between the initial public notice on the EBB (and other methods of solicitation) and the opening of bids must be at least five business days. For RFPs with a relatively complex Statement of Work, allowing potential Vendors a longer response time is highly recommended, to ensure well-constructed bid responses.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

10 Days


VA ST § 2.2-4302.1. ; VA ST § 2.2-4302.2.

Citation Language:

2\. Public notice of the Invitation to Bid at least 10 days prior to the date set for receipt of bids by posting on the Department of General Services' central electronic procurement website or other appropriate websites. ; 2. Public notice of the Request for Proposal at least 10 days prior to the date set for receipt of proposals by posting on the Department of General Services' central electronic procurement website or other appropriate websites.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

No official guidance

West VirginiaWest Virginia

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

10 days


WV Procurement Handbook and

Citation Language:

The standard advertisement period for noncomplex procurements is 10 business days. If exceptional circumstances exist that require an advertisement period other than 10 business days, the agency must indicate that at the time the requisition is submitted to the Purchasing Division. ; The Purchasing Division must advertise the RFP in the West Virginia Purchasing Bulletin, which can be found in the Vendor Self-Service portal within wvOASIS. The Purchasing Division works with the agency to determine an appropriate amount of time for public advertisement of the solicitation, which cannot be less than 10 business days.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

RFBs & RFPs: 7 Days; Construction: 30 days


Adm 7.06 ; Adm 21.03

Citation Language:

(2) Procurements $10,000 or over. Publication of requests for sealed bids, requests for proposals, noncompetitive negotiation procurements, and general waivers over $10,000 shall be in the legal notice column of the official state newspaper. A minimum of 7 days shall be allowed between the publication of the last notice and the date bid and proposal submissions are due. ; 21.03 (2) The department shall advertise for proposals by publication of a class 1 notice under ch. 985, Stats., in the official state newspaper. The notice shall be published a minimum of 30 days prior to bid opening, unless the department indicates in writing that the bidding period will be for a lesser period of time.


The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Public Notice:

Public Notice

Formal Solicitation - Minimum Window for Proposals/Bids:

No official guidance

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