
State Statutes and Regulations

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Resource 1:

Title 41. Code of Alabama, Chapter 16. (Public Contracts)

Resource 2:

Title 39. Code of Alabama. Chapters 1,2,3,4,6,7, & 8 (Public Works Contracts)

Resource 3:

State of Alabama Department of Finance Chapter 355-4-1. Division of Purchasing


Resource 1:

Article 1. Organization of State Procurement. Chapter 30. State Procurement Code. Section 36.30

Resource 2:

Title 2. Administration Chapter 12. Procurement


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Title 41. State Government Chapter 23. Arizona Procurement Code

Resource 2:

Title 2. Administration Chapter 7. Department of Administration – State Procurement Office


Resource 1:

Title 19. Public Finance Chapter 11. Purchasing and Contracts

Resource 2:

Title 006. Department of Finance and Administration Division 27. Office of State Procurement


Resource 1:

Public Contract Code

Resource 2:

Title 2. Administration, Division 2. Financial Operations, Chapter 3. Department of General Services

Resource Public Link 2:


Resource 1:

Title 24. Government—State Procurement Code

Resource 2:

Title 100. Department of Personnel & Administration 101. Division of Finance and Procurement


Resource 1:

Title 4e. State Contracting

Resource 2:

Title 4a. Administrative Services Department of Administrative Services State Purchasing Procedures


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Title 29. State Government Part VI. Budget, Fiscal, Procurement and Contracting Regulations Chapter 69. State Procurement

Resource 2:

Title 19. Labor Division 4000. Office of Management and Budget

Resource Public Link 2:

District of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia

Resource 1:

Division I. Government of District. Title 2. Government Administration. Chapter 2. Contracts & Chapter 3 Procurement & Chapter 3A. Government Procurement & Chapter 3B. Other Procurement Matters

Resource Public Link 2:


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Title XIX. Public Business (Chapters 279–290) Chapter 287. Procurement of Personal Property and Services

Resource 2:

Title 60. Department of Management Services Subtitle 60a. Division of Purchasing

Resource Public Link 2:

Flag of GuamGuam

Resource 1:

Title 5. Government Operations Chapter 5. Guam Procurement Law


Resource 1:

Division 1. Government, Title 9. Public Property, Purchasing and Contracting

Resource 2:

Title 3. Department of Accounting and General Services Subtitle 11. Procurement Policy Board


Resource 1:

Title 67. State Government and State Affairs Chapter 92. State Procurement Act

Resource 2:

Agency 38. Department of Administration Title 05. Chapter 01. Rules of the Division of Purchasing


Resource 1:

Chapter 30. Finance, Purchases and Contracts

Resource 2:

Title 44: Government Contracts, Grantmaking, Procurement and Property Management Subtitle A: Procurement and Contract Provision


Resource 1:

Title 5. State and Local Administration Article 22. Public Purchasing

Resource 2:

Title 25 Article 1.1


Resource 1:

Title I. State Sovereignty and Management [Chs. 1–38d] Subtitle 4. Executive Branch [Chs. 7–14b] Chapter 8A. Department of Administrative Services Subchapter III. Physical Resources

Resource 2:

Agency 11 Administrative Services Department Title VI Central Procurement


Resource 1:

Chapter 75. State Departments; Public Officers and Employees Article 37. Department of Administration Division of Purchases


Resource 1:

Title VI. Financial Administration Chapter 45A. Kentucky Model Procurement Code

Resource 2:

Title 200. Finance and Administration Cabinet Chapter 5. Purchasing


Resource 1:

Title 39. Public Finance Subtitle III. General Laws on State Debt Chapter 17. Louisiana Procurement Code

Resource 2:

Title 34. Government Contracts, Procurement, and Property Control


Resource 1:

Title 5. Administrative Procedures and Services Part 4. Finance Chapter 155. Purchases

Resource 2:

18. Department of Administrative and Financial Services 554. Bureau of General Services


Resource 1:

State Finance and Procurement Division II. General Procurement Law [Titles 11-End]

Resource 2:

Title 21 State Procurement Regulations

Resource Public Link 2:


Resource 1:

Part I. Administration of the Government (Ch. 1–182) Title III. Laws Relating to State Officers(Ch. 29–30b) Chapter 30B. Uniform Procurement Act

Resource 2:

Title 801: Executive Office for Administration and Finance Chapter 21.00: Procurement of Commodities or Services, Including Human and Social Services


Resource 1:

Chapter 18. Department of Management and Budget The Management and Budget Act Article 2. Personalty; Realty; Travel; Security; Contracts; Funds; Services

Resource 2:

Technology, Management and Budget Purchasing Division


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Administration and Finance (Ch. 16A-16e) Chapter 16C. State Procurement

Resource 2:

Department of Administration [1200 to 1365] Chapter 1230. State Contracts

Resource Public Link 2:


Resource 1:

Title 31. Public Business, Bonds and Obligations Chapter 7. Public Purchases

Resource 2:

Title 12. Finance and Administration Part 6. Procurement Manual for the Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management


Resource 1:

Title IV. Executive Branch [Chs. 26–37] Chapter 34. State Purchasing and Printing

Resource 2:

Title 1. Office of Administration Division 40. Purchasing and Materials Managemen


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Title 18. Public Contracts

Resource 2:

Title 2. Department of Administration Chapter 5. State Procurement

Resource Public Link 2:


Resource 1:

Revised Statutes Chapter Chapter 73 - Public Lettings and Contracts

Resource 2:

Administrative Services, Department of Title 9: Materiel Division


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Title 27. Public Property and Purchasing (Chapters 331–336)

Resource 2:

Chapter 333. Purchasing: State

Resource Public Link 2:

New HampshireNew Hampshire

Resource 1:

Title I. The State and Its Government (Ch. 1 to 21–V) Chapter 21–I. Department of Administrative Services

Resource 2:

Department of Administrative Services [Adm] Chapter Adm 600. Procurement and Property Rules

Flag of New JerseyNew Jersey

Resource 1:

Title 52. State Government, Departments and Officers Subtitle 5. Public Works, Contracts and Printing

Resource 2:

Title 17. Treasury—General Chapter 12. Division of Purchase and Property: Purchase Bureau and Contract Compliance and Administration Unit; Surplus Property Unit, Computer Distribution Program

New MexicoNew Mexico

Resource 1:

Chapter 13. Public Purchases and Property

Resource 2:

Title 1. General Government Administration Chapter 4. State Procurement

New YorkNew York

Resource 1:

State Finance Law Chapter 56 of the Consolidated Laws Article XI—State Purchasing

Resource 2:

Title 9. Executive Department Subtitle G. Office of General Services Chapter I. Procurement Services Group

North CarolinaNorth Carolina

Resource 1:

Chapter 143. State Departments, Institutions, and Commissions Article 3. Purchases and Contracts

Resource 2:

Title 1. Department of Administration Chapter 5. Purchase and Contract

North DakotaNorth Dakota

Resource 1:

Title 54. State Government Chapter 54–44.4. State Purchasing Practices

Resource 2:

Title 4. Office of Management and Budget Article 4-12. State Procurement Practices


Resource 1:

Title I. State Government Chapter 125. Department of Administrative Services—Office Services

Resource 2:

123 Administrative Services Department 123:5 Purchasing Division


Resource 1:

Title 74. State Government Chapter 4. Department of Central Services The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act

Resource 2:

Title 260. Office of Management and Enterprise Services Chapter 115. Procurement

Resource Public Link 2:


Resource 1:

Title 26. Public Facilities, Contracting and Insurance Chapter 279. Public Contracting -- Miscellaneous Provisions & Chapter 279A. Public Contracting- General Provisions & Chapter 279B. Public Contracting—Public Procurements & Chapter 279C. Public Contracting -- Public Improvements and Related Contracts

Resource 2:

Chapter 125. Department of Administrative Services Division 246. General Provisions for Public Contracting & Division 247. Public Procurement of Supplies and Services


Resource 1:

Title 62 Pa.C.S.A. Procurement

Resource 2:

Title 4. Administration Part III. Department of General Services

Resource Public Link 2:

Puerto RicoPuerto Rico

Resource 1:

P.R. Laws tit. 3 Chapter 85. Procurement Standards

Resource 2:

General Services Administration Act for the 2019 Centralization of Puerto Rico Government Procurement Law No. 73 of 23 July 2019

Rhode IslandRhode Island

Resource 1:

Title 37. Public Property and Works Chapter 2. State Purchases

Resource 2:

Title 220 Department of Administration Chapter 30 Purchases

South CarolinaSouth Carolina

Resource 1:

Title 11 Public Finances Chapter 35. South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code

Resource 2:

Chapter 19. State Budget and Control Board Article 4. Office of General Services 19–445. Consolidated Procurement Code.

South DakotaSouth Dakota

Resource 1:

Title 5. Public Property, Purchases and Contracts

Resource 2:

Bureau of Administration (Articles 10:01 to 10:11) Article 10:02. Central Services Chapter 10:02:05. Definitions and Purchasing Procedures


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Title 4. State Government Chapter 56. Procurement & Title 12. Public Property, Printing and Contracts Chapter 4 Public Contract

Resource 2:

0690. Department of General Services 0690-03. Central Procurement Office

Resource Public Link 2:


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Government Code Title 10. General GovernmentSubtitle D. State Purchasing and General Services

Resource 2:

Title 34. Public Finance Part 1. Comptroller of Public Accounts Chapter 20. Statewide Procurement and Support Services

Flag of the United States Virgin IslandsUS Virgin Islands

Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Government Code Title 31. Public Works and Property II. Public Property Chapter 23. Procurement and Sale


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Title 63g. General Government Chapter 6. Utah Procurement Code & Chapter 6A. Utah Procurement Code

Resource 2:

Administrative Services Title R33. Division of Purchasing and General Services.


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Title 2.2. Administration of Government Subtitle II. Administration of State Government Part B. Transaction of Public Business Chapter 43. Virginia Public Procurement Act

Resource 2:

Title 1. Administration Vac Agency NO. 30. Department of General Services Division of Purchases and Supply


Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Title 39. Public Contracts and Indebtedness

Resource 2:

Title 200. Enterprise Services, Department of Contracts and Supply Chain Management

Resource Public Link 2:

West VirginiaWest Virginia

Resource Public Link 1:

Resource 1:

Chapter 5A. Department of Administration Article 3. Purchasing Division

Resource 2:

Title 148. Department of Administration Legislative Rule (Ser. 1) Series 1. Purchasing

Resource Public Link 2:


Resource 1:

Organization of State Government (Ch. 13 to 22) Chapter 16. Department of Administration Subchapter IV. Purchasing

Resource 2:

Department of Administration


Resource 1:

Title 9. Administration of the Government Chapter 2. Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Departments Generally Article 10. Department of Administration and Information

Resource 2:

Administration and Information, Dept of [006] Purchasing Division [0006]

Resource Public Link 2:

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