MO ST 34.010
7. The term “value” includes but is not limited to price, performance, and quality. In assessing value, the state purchaser may consider the economic impact to the state of Missouri for Missouri products versus the economic impact of products generated from out of state. This economic impact may include the revenues returned to the state through tax revenue obligations.
Statutory Guidance
1 MO ADC 40-1.050(12)
(12) A bid or proposal award protest must be submitted in writing to the director or designee and received by the division within ten (10) state business days after the date of award. If the tenth day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or state holiday, the period will extend to the next state business day. A protest submitted after the ten (10) business-day period shall not be considered. The written protest should include the following information:
(A) Name, address, and phone number of the protester;
(B) Signature of the protester or the protester’s representative;
(C) Solicitation number;
(D) Detailed statement describing the grounds for the protest; and
(E) Supporting exhibits, evidence, or documents to substantiate claim.
A protest which fails to contain the information listed above may be denied solely on that basis. All protests filed in a timely manner will be reviewed by the director or designee. The director or designee will only issue a determination on the issues asserted in the protest.
A protest, which is untimely or fails to establish standing to protest, will be summarily denied. In other cases, the determination will contain findings of fact, an analysis of the protest, and a conclusion that the protest will either be sustained or denied. If the protest is sustained, remedies include canceling the award. If the protest is denied, no further action will be taken by the division.
7 Mo. Code of State Regulations 40-1.050(21)
21) Awards are to be made to the bidder/offeror whose bid/proposal complies with—(A) All mandatory specifications and requirements of the bid/proposal; (B) Is the lowest and best bid/proposal in accordance with the evaluation methodology outlined in the bid/proposal; and (C) Complies with Chapter 34, RSMo, other applicable Missouri statutes, and all applicable Executive Orders.
Central Procurement Office
MO ST 34.100
The commissioner of administration may, when in the commissioner’s best judgment it is in the best interests of the state, delegate the commissioner’s procurement authority pursuant to this chapter to an individual department; provided, however, that each instance of single feasible source purchasing authority in excess of five thousand dollars under section 34.044 must be specifically delegated by the commissioner. The delegation may allow departments to negotiate in accordance with section 34.042 the purchase of services for patients, residents or clients with funds appropriated for this purpose. In accepting this delegated authority the department acknowledges its ability to, and agrees to, fulfill all of the requirements of this chapter in making purchases and entering into contracts and keeping records. No claim for payment based upon any purchase under this section shall be certified by the commissioner unless accompanied by such documentation of compliance with the provisions of this chapter as the commissioner may require. Any department that fails to fulfill all such requirements may have its delegated authority rescinded by the commissioner of administration.
5 Days
MO ST 34.040.2 (1); MO ST 34.042.2 (1)
(1) Advertise for bids in at least two daily newspapers of general circulation in such places as are most likely to reach prospective bidders and may advertise in at least two weekly minority newspapers and may provide such information through an electronic medium available to the general public at least five days before bids for such purchases are to be opened. ;
(1) Advertise for proposals in at least two daily newspapers of general circulation in such places as are most likely to reach prospective offerors and may advertise in at least two weekly minority newspapers and may provide such information through an electronic medium available to the general public at least five days before proposals for such purchases are to be opened.
Full Authorization
MO ST 34.040
8. The commissioner of administration may hold reverse auctions to procure merchandise, supplies, raw materials, or finished goods if price is the primary factor in evaluating bids, excluding items in section 34.047. The office of administration shall promulgate rules regarding the handling of the reverse auction process.
State Central Procurement Office
MO ST 34.047