South Dakota

South Dakota

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The Repository of State Practices (RoSP) is a database of state procurement statutes, regulations, and policies. NASPO’s Research and Innovation team continually update the RoSP.

Best Value Procurement

State authority to conduct best value procurement (BVP)


South Dakota Procurement Manual. p. 9

Citation Language:

Request for Proposal
SDOPM also may utilize a Request for Proposals (commonly referred to as an “RFP”) for requirements that preclude the use of a specification. A RFP is a competitive method of procurement whereby offerors are asked to submit proposals for the supply of goods and/or services in a format, which allows for the consideration of factors in addition to the price in the evaluation and award process. This method of solicitation is used when it is determined by SDOPM that the use of competitive sealed bidding is not practicable or is not advantageous to the State. The RFP solicits sealed price proposals from prospective vendors and seeks to obtain the “best value” for the State.

Bid Responsiveness

Statutory, regulatory, and procedural guidance for bid responsiveness




South Dakota Procurement Manual p. 6

Citation Language:

Responsive Bid: A bid that conforms in all material respects to the requirements set forth inthe invitation for bids.

Bidder Responsibility

Statutory, regulatory, and procedural guidance for bidder responsibility




Vendor's Manual, p. 5

Citation Language:

Responsible Bidder or Offeror: A person who has the capability in all respects to perform fully the contract requirements, and the integrity and reliability which will assure good faith performance.

Goods and Services Procurement

State entity with the statutory authority and oversight for the purchasing of goods and services


Total Delegation to Agencies


SD ST § 5-18A-34

Citation Language:

The Bureau of Administration shall serve as the central procurement agency of the State of South Dakota. Except for the legislative and judicial branches and as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter and chapters 5-18B, 5-18C, and 5-18D, the Bureau of Administration shall procure, or authorize the procurement of all supplies and public improvements for state government. No claim for any such procurement may be paid unless authorization has been issued by the bureau. All state agencies and institutions are responsible for the procurement of services for their respective governmental unit. The governing body of all other purchasing agencies, including the legislative and judicial branches of state government, is responsible for procuring or authorizing the procurement of supplies, services, and public improvements for their respective governmental unit.

Procurement Website

Official state procurement website for public

Public Notice

The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals

Formal Solicitation Minimum Window for Proposals Bids:

10 Days


SD ST § 5-18A-14

Citation Language:

The advertisement shall appear as a legal notice in the appointed legal newspaper. The advertisement shall be printed at least twice, with the first publication at least ten days before opening of bids or the deadline for the submission of proposals.

Reverse Auctions

State authority to conduct reverse auctions


Full Authorization


SD ST § 5-18A-39

Citation Language:

Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a purchasing agency may conduct an online reverse auction for the procurement of supplies or nonprofessional services, if the purchasing agency determines in writing that a reverse auction is appropriate for the specific procurement. No reverse auction may be used to establish contracts for public improvements, professional services, or indefinite quantity supply purchases.

State Procurement Manual

State Statutes and Regulations

State databases of statutes and regulations

Resource 1: Title 5. Public Property, Purchases and Contracts

Resource 2: Bureau of Administration (Articles 10:01 to 10:11)Article 10:02. Central ServicesChapter 10:02:05. Definitions and Purchasing Procedures

State-Wide Contracts

Awarded contracts as provided by each state

Supplier Registration

Information for suppliers as provided by each state

Technology Procurement

State entity with the statutory authority and oversight for the purchasing of technology


State Central Procurement Office


ND ST 54-44.4-02

South CarolinaTennessee
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